Chapter eighteen

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Sometimes Harry doesn't think before he speaks.

"You can't be serious," Louis stops, then adds, "Oh my God, you are serious."


"I have a bad attitude? Huh! That's rather interesting. Maybe you ought to do some self reflection because I'm not the problem here."

Harry sighs, "I didn't mean it like that."

"Obviously you did!" Louis shouts, crossing his arms over his chest. His shoulders are dominantly rolled back and his weight is shifted to one leg. "If you didn't mean it, then why did you say it?"

"You haven't exactly been a joy to be around tonight," Harry argues. "I can't help that you're caught up in your own bullshit. It isn't my fault that you're having a bad time."

Lottie shakes her head. "Can you two not do this right now? This is my launch, not yours. Tonight isn't about either one of you."

"Lottie," Harry says, turning to face the blonde girl, "I think I can say on mine and your brother's behalf-"

"Don't you dare talk for me, Styles," Louis snaps. "You're the last person I need talking for me."

"Maybe you out to just go home then," Harry says. "Since you can't put on a smile in support of your own bloody sister."

Louis scoffs, stepping closer to Harry. "And since when do you think you get an opinion on any of this? You think you're so fucking smart, don't you?"

"I don't-"

"Well, you sure seem to have an answer for everything," he interrupts. "I'm allowed to have a bad day, Harry. Hell, when you have a bad day you're absolutely miserable to be around. You're a proper prick."

Harry crosses his arms over his chest. "Oh, so now I'm a prick?"

"You constantly take your frustration out on me!" Louis shouts. "I never say a word about it, but the one night I don't feel my best, you deem it necessary to yell at me. I'm here, aren't I? I'm here to show my support for my sister. I don't need you to patronizing me."

Lottie sighs, bowing her head, and pinches the bridge of her nose between her thumb and forefinger. "Can you two please stop?"

Harry shakes his head. "I'm not patronizing you. I'm just saying-"

"What are you saying?" Louis retorts.

"If you would let me fucking finish, I would tell you," he barks. "I'm saying there's cameras all around and you don't want to give anyone the wrong idea, alright? Just try to look like you're having a good time."

Louis arches his back with a laugh. "Why the fuck am I listening to you? Half the time you're too disoriented to even know what's going on. What do you know about the press? I'm always the one to save your ass."

"Yeah, and I'm trying to return the favor," Harry says, simply.

"Guys," Lottie sighs.

"Well it's about fucking time!" Louis shouts, crossing his arms over his chest. "Do me a favor and leave me alone for the rest of the night and if I feel better, maybe I'll come home."

"Louis-" Lottie whispers-

"Don't you dare hold that above my head," Harry says. "If you're gonna do that, then don't bother coming home."

"You act like that bothers me," he bellows. "You need me far more than I need you, Harry."

Harry narrows his eyes. "If you think I need you then you're sadly mistaken," he says. "I don't need anyone. Why are you being such a fucking prick? If you don't feel good then why did you come at all?"

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