Chapter fourteen

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Louis sings quietly to himself, clicking his pen against his thigh, "And whenever you fall at my feet..." He trails off, looks up from his notebook, gives Liam a glance, then, proceeds to make a frustrated noise. "I can't think of any more lyrics for the chorus."

"You can't give it up now."

"Yes I can." Louis argues, running his hand through his hair in frustration. "Fuck, why is this so hard?"

Liam doesn't say another word at first. He takes a deep breath, fighting the urge to make a sarcastic comment in reply to Louis's frustration, and reaches across Louis to guide the notebook out of potential harm's way. He reads the open page over, "Look, you've already gotten the first verse down and it's lyrically ingenious. I think it's brilliant," Liam admits. "'I'm really close tonight and I feel like I'm moving inside him?' Bloody amazing. 'Lying in the dark, I think that I'm beginning to know him?' Ace. These are a great foundation. Just give it a bit more thought." He hands Louis' notebook back to him.

Louis listens to him, truly taking what he has to say into consideration. Liam wouldn't bullshit him. If he didn't like the song, he would say so. After all, their friendship is built mostly on truth.

He sings, "And whenever you fall at my feet..." over and over, peering around the room, desperate for some sort of fire to ignite his inspiration. It's once he looks into the ominous darkness outside Liam's study window and he hears the rain pattering against the roof that he finds exactly the thought he needed. Perhaps he can incorporate rain or weather into the chorus somehow, someway.

He starts scribbling down lyric after lyric on the lined paper in front of him, crossing them off when he finds displeasure in them. He does this for nearly five minutes with Liam watching his every action with curiosity. Once he's completely satisfied, he sets the pen down, and sits up confidently.

Liam gestures for him to sing it, "Let's hear it then."

"Calm down. Keep your excitement to a minimum," Louis smirks. "Alright here we go," He starts off a bit shaky, but once he discovers a proper rhythm, it flows well. "And whenever you fall at my feet, won't you let your tears rain down on me? Whenever I touch your slow burning pain." Louis doesn't say anything after finishing the chorus. He waits for Liam's criticisms, impatiently, glowering at the younger man for a response.

"You want my honest opinion?"

"No, I want you to lie to me," Louis quips. "Of course I want your fucking honest opinion."

Liam raises his hands in mock surrender, "Hey, be nice," He warns. He lowers his hands to rest on his lap, "In my honest opinion, I think that Harry's going to love it. Your voice is best for ballads, so it genuinely draws in that emotional factor. The lyrics will mean a lot to him."

"I hope so."

"And he has no idea that you're writing a song to serenade him with?"

"No, he's completely clueless. I hope the song means something to him. I tried my best to incorporate epilepsy. You can tell right?"

"Well, falling at someones feet doesn't necessarily strike me as positively inclined. Even if you weren't alluding to epilepsy, falling at someone's feet is a negative image, to me at least."

"That's exactly what I was aiming for."

Liam admits, "I jotted down a few lyrics. I know you wanted this to be an independent project, but just take a look at them. If you don't want to use them, maybe I can write another song based around them for a different album."

"Quit rambling and let me hear what you've got, yeah?"

Rather than singing, Liam reads the words he wrote minutes earlier off of a scrap piece of paper, "The finger of blame has turned upon itself and I'm more than willing to offer myself."

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