Chapter nineteen

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"Daddy, daddy look!" Sylvia exclaims, tugging on Harry's pant leg. "Daddy, it's Tinkerbell! Look at her wings! She's so pretty!"

"Oh, wow! She's even more magical in real life," he says, awestruck. As he speaks, he hears the shutter of a camera. When he looks over his shoulder he sees Louis snapping a picture of Kyra, their eldest daughter, looking moody as she sits on one of the park benches, one ankle crossed over the other, arms folded over her chest.

He and Louis spent months organizing this trip to Disney World. It wasn't easy to coordinate their schedules enough to manage a seven day vacation nor was it easy to find proper housing and accommodations in Florida, especially in Orlando, in the middle of July. They had to find a house sitter, thankfully one of their trusted neighbors agreed to check their mailbox and water the plants, and a dog sitter because it was too much of a hassle to travel internationally with Jagger. Thankfully, Liam and his family agreed to watch him while they were away.

They were even able to convince Harry's sister, Gemma, to travel and spend a week with them. It was a big accomplishment. As she grows older, she likes to travel less, and absolutely despises traveling via plane, but Harry was able to sweet talk her enough to convince her to bring her son and daughter along for a fun, family friendly vacation. Her son, Aidan, is two years younger than Kyra and her daughter, Mabel, is six.

Regardless of all the planning and finance put into their trip, Kyra was unhappy about it. Her friends had planned a trip to Barcelona for the very same week and she begged to travel with them instead, but Louis and Harry were both quick to tell her no. Harry because he didn't trust a sixteen year old girl to go out of the country by herself with no parental supervision and Louis because he understood this would be one of their last opportunities to have a family vacation.

Lydia sits on Harry's broad shoulders, legs dangling, tiny feet beating against his chest each time he steps. She and Sylvia are both wearing Mickey Mouse ear headbands.

"But where's Peter Pan, daddy?" Sylvia pouts.

Harry smiles, continuing to watch Louis. There he is, he thinks to himself, but doesn't bother saying it aloud. He's always been convinced that Louis is some kind of mythical being, why not Peter Pan? "Oh, I don't know, sweetheart. He might be somewhere with Wendy."

"Can I say hi to her, daddy?" Sylvia begged, hopping up and down. "Pretty, pretty please? I want to meet Tink!"

Lydia giggles, kicking her legs, and grabs a fistful of Harry's curly hair, twisting it around her fingers. "Please!" she squeals.

Sylvia is ten years old while Lydia is only two and half. She's the right age to experience Disney World whereas Lydia most likely won't remember it as she ages. Harry himself had been fourteen when he visited for the first time. Needless to say, Sylvia having the opportunity meet all of her favorite characters, eat sweets, and ride amusement park attractions for seven days is exciting.

"Just a moment, darling. Let's wait for Papa and Ky," he says.

"They better hurry!" Sylvia exclaims, stepping side to side. "What if Tink has to go back to Neverland and we miss her?"

"We won't, Sylvie. Relax." He holds Lydia's legs with one hand while his other reaches down to rest on the back of Sylvia's head. He brushes his fingers through her light hair. "You almost done playing photographer over there Lou? We've gotta meet Tinkerbell before she goes back to Neverland!" he calls to his husband.

Louis' silvery voice answers, "Just a minute!"

While Harry waits for Louis, Lydia moves her other hand to his hair, twisting and pulling at his roots with both hands and Sylvia reaches for Harry's hand, swinging it back and forth as she gushes about Tinkerbell. Harry doesn't have a clue why Tinkerbell is her favorite Disney princess - can she even be considered a princess? - because he's more of a Belle man himself. He's even taken the girls to see the live action musical version of Beauty and the Beast more than a few times.

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