Chapter ten

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Louis has been standing in the doorway of the bedroom for only five minutes, but somehow it feels as though several decades have passed. "Is he going to be able to get into bed? I think the guest room might be more appropriate for the time being."

Preparations for Harry's discharge have been taking place for the last twenty four hours, though twenty four hours is hardly enough time to get anything accomplished. Between both Anne and Louis taking shifts at the hospital, Louis surprisingly opting for more time at the hospital, and limpidly and conspicuously ignoring outside forces they hadn't been allotted much time to make many, if any, accommodations for Harry's arrival.

The only things that they had prevalently managed was installing a metal rail into the shower wall and buying a shower seat to reside on the floor of the slick shower floor, the last thing they needed was Harry slipping and injuring himself.

Even then they had hired a professional company to help with installation after Louis realized that he definitely doesn't know how to felicitously work a drill.

Harry has always been the one to practice home improvements. Leak on the ceiling? Harry would fix it. Broken washing machine? Harry would fix it. Clogged sink? Harry would fix it. Sure, he wasn't extremely handy and he would always come back from a home improvement battle with some scrapes and bruises, one time even nearly electrocuting himself, but he always did what Louis asked of him. When they were home it seemed as though Harry did anything to please Louis. He would cook all meals, do all the chores; take the dog for a walk, as they lived in a gated community, and still manage to spend plausible amounts of time with Louis. All Louis had to do was say 'go' and Harry would run miles and miles for him.

It isn't as though Louis is obnoxious or demanding, well not to Harry at least, Harry has always done his best to please Louis. His manners and respect emanate from the way he was brought up, it's as simple as that. He was taught to treat his spouse, and anyone else associated with his life, with the most love and kindness he could ever give.

That trait would make Harry a candidate for emotional abuse. Actually, it does make Harry a candidate for emotional for emotional abuse. Not from Louis, of course, because Louis would never intentionally harm Harry in anyway, but Harry does take a lot of abuse from social media as well as people around him such as management, fans he meets along the way, and the very own people who see him consistently, meaning the boys.

Sometimes Harry wears blinders, in an endeavor to block horrendous things people have to say out, but he can only do that for so long. He tries not to bother Louis with it, feeling as though Louis does enough for him, but most times he can't help the tears or the incoherent shouts that come on after reading the same comment perpetually.

Well, at least, now they can't make crude comments about his hair anymore.

Anne's soft voice breaks his thoughts, "Why wouldn't he be able to get into bed?"

"I mean, it is a bit high up isn't it? His arms and legs are weak as it is; I don't think he'll be able to hold himself up to get into bed and the both of us trying to hold all of his weight is going to kill our backs."

Currently, Anne is pulling a railing out of the box to put on the left side of the bed, known as Harry's side. She said it was going to stabilize him from falling out of bed.

Louis's immediate thought when she had brought up a bed railing was, Harry has never had that issue before, so why would he have it now?

She sighs quietly at Louis, obviously not in the mood to fall into an argument with him, and she simply places the railing back into the long box, "Okay Louis. I'll move it to the guest room."

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