is chenford together- CONTINUED

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time jump: ONE WEEK LATER
               (Tims pov)

I woke up to a loud, jarring sound. Groggily, I opened my eyes and found myself in an unfamiliar place. It slowly dawned on me that I was at Lucy's house. "Oh no," I thought to myself. I tried to get out of bed quietly, but she woke up.

            (normal pov)

L- "Good morning, handsome," Lucy says with a beaming smile.

T- "Hey Luce, good morning! I really tried not to wake you." he says, flashing an apologetic smile.

L- It's okay, don't worry. It's time for me to get up anyway.

T-  well ima heading out because have to get ready for work cya Luce.

L- Cya Tim!

              AT THE STATION

Lucy and Tim gets to the station at the same time. They say hey to each other and w/o thinking they intertwine hands together and walked into the station together..

A- "OMFGGGG..." Angela said with her mouth agape and her hand covering her mouth.


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