Grian's Treasures (Scarian)

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CW: none
Type: Fluff

The rain started just as Scar was flying back to his base. At first he didn't mind. He liked the rain. But then he heard a ripping sound. He turned around and saw a tear in his elytra. Darn it. He couldn't fly for much longer with such a big rip in his wings.

Scar looked beneath him for somewhere to land and was glad to see he was right over Grian's place. He really hadn't wanted to walk all the way home in the rain and he was hoping Grian would let him stay until the rain stopped. He managed to land without too much trouble and knocked on Grian's door.

The little pesky bird opened the door almost immediately. "Hi Scar!" he said with a smile. "Hey Grian," Scar replied, smiling back. "I'm sorry to bother you, but could I stay here until the rain stops? My elytra ripped and I'd rather not walk home while it's pouring outside."

"Sure, come in," Grian answered, stepping aside so Scar could walk inside. "I really am sorry about bursting in," he said with an apologetic smile. "I promise I'll leave as soon as the rain stops."

Grian waved away the apology. "It's fine, you can stay as long as you want." He took a quick look at Scar's soaked clothes before saying, "Let me get you something to change into. I have some clothes that are pretty oversized on me, but they should fit you perfectly."

"You don't need to do that," Scar responded, not wanting Grian to go to any extra trouble on his behalf. Grian smirked as he shot back, "Yes I do because A: I don't want you to get hypothermia and B: you're dripping all over my floor and you know how much I hate cleaning up messes."

Scar glanced down and saw a puddle spreading beneath him. Oops. "Maybe you're right," he said, grinning sheepishly at Grian.

"Of course I'm right," the pesky bird replied before gesturing for Scar to follow him. When they reached the bedroom, Grian started digging through a chest of drawers, handing Scar a sweatshirt and sweatpants before leaving the room.

Just as Scar finished changing, something caught his eye. Grian hadn't fully closed the drawer and there was something shiny inside. Scar knew he shouldn't look. After all curiosity killed the cat.

...but Scar wasn't a cat, so curiosity wouldn't kill him, right?

Scar carefully pulled open the drawer, glancing back to make sure the door was closed as he did so. The shiny thing turned out to be a wooden box decorated with gemstones of all colors. Scar picked it up, admiring the way the gems glittered in the light. On the top was a label with the words Grian's Treasures written in messy but legible handwriting.

Clearly whatever was inside was important to Grian. He had labeled it treasures after all, and the box itself was beautiful. Scar held his breath as he opened the box expecting it to be filled with diamonds or gold or something equally priceless. What he found though was quite the opposite.

Scar had a habit of giving little gifts to all his friends. Sparkly rocks, pretty feathers, simple cards with his less than perfect spelling. He knew that most of his friends eventually got rid of the gifts for lots of reasons. They didn't know what to do with them, they didn't have a space to put them, or they simply thought they were childish. And Scar was fine with that. He didn't expect his friends to keep his gifts for very long.

But inside the box was every single gift that Scar had ever given to Grian. Scar slowly looked at each present, forgetting his surroundings entirely.

A sudden knock at the door almost gave Scar a heart attack. He hurried to put everything back in the box as Grian spoke. "Scar? You almost done?"

"Yeah, just give me a second," Scar called, putting the box back and pushing the drawer closed before opening the door. Grian smiled as he quickly glanced over the new clothes. "I was right, they fit you perfectly."

"And they're comfortable," Scar replied. "I might keep these."

"You can keep them, I never wear them anyway. Now come on, I started a fire and I made hot chocolate."

As the two chatted and sipped their hot chocolate, Scar kept thinking back to the box. He felt guilty for looking through Grian's things and felt he should come clean, but he was worried Grian would be mad.

The rain poured for hours. Scar was worried he had overstayed his welcome but anytime he suggested leaving, Grian would immediately cut him off and insist he stay.

Eventually, Scar found himself with Grian's head on his shoulder and his head on Grian's. He stared at the raindrops streaking the windows as he murmured, "I'm sorry for staying so long. I thought the rain would've stopped by now."

"Don't worry about it," Grian answered drowsily.

Scar frowned. "But-"

"I said it's fine Scar." Scar sighed in defeat before one source of guilt was replaced with another.



"I found your treasures."

Grian stiffened, his eyes darting up to Scar's face, but Scar kept his gaze on the windows. "I know I shouldn't have looked through your stuff, but I wanted to tell you I appreciate it."

Grian stayed silent for a moment before responding. "Well, I appreciate that you gave me those gifts in the first place. They're really nice."

"They're just little things," Scar argued.

"That doesn't make them any less nice. I'd appreciate anything you gave me."

Scar smiled as he continued to watch the rain come down. As the fire started to die, Grian fell asleep and Scar was quick to follow.

Moments after, the sun began to shine.

A/N: So this is kinda based off a true story. Ten years ago, my mom and her siblings were going through my great-grandpa's things after he had died and they found a box labeled "Dave's Treasures". Inside was a bunch of notes from all of his grandchildren. I thought it was super sweet, so I decided to use the idea (yes I used a story about my great-grandpa to write fanfiction about block people).

Anyways, make sure to drink water, get sleep, and have a lovely day!

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