Chapter One - Safe

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I wake up, a thick gasp followed by heavy panting rushing air into my lungs. The place in which I'm sitting is unfamiliar, almost like a hospital of some sort. There's a closed curtain surrounding me, but I still manage to make deep observations about what joins me in the room.

I'm lying on a thin, reclinable bed-chair, with a single pillow behind my back. Shelves stand beside me, adorned with many small, multicoloured bottles and syringes. The walls and floor remind me of a warehouse- dark grey and boxy. Somehow, the stench of sanitation still lingers in my nose, taking me back to my 'death'. Taking me back to Gally.


I'd almost forgotten what just happened to him. I mean, I'm not sure how long I've been asleep, but it still feels like it happened only moments ago. I peer down at my flimsy white button up, no longer its usual dove pure colour, but instead, a vibrant artwork of crimson and ruby. The last thing keeping Gally and I together.

Hesitantly, I pull it upward, to reveal a large bandage wrapping around my stomach. I poke it, and wince slightly at the impact. It doesn't hurt as bad as when the bullet pierced it, but the memory still stings.

I think of Gally's face, so frightened, moments before I blacked out. I expected tears to come flooding like a river, but none do. It's almost funny how, all of a sudden, I changed from a girl who cared all too much to one who no longer cared at all.

You'd think I would be mad at him for shooting me. I'm not. Anything done was W.C.K.D's fault, not his.


A pristine looking woman rips open my curtain, sending the links at the top into a rattle of disarray. Her dark hair is pulled into a neat, slick bun, and her plump lips are adorned with a coat of fresh, clear gloss. My eyes dart to her chest, and find a name tag that reads 'Dr Crawford'. I must've been staring in a rude or offensive way, because she clears her throat and begins talking.

"Ah, y/n. Glad you're awake. How are you feeling?" She asks, a cheery pep to her voice. "How do you know my name?" I query, disregarding her question. "The boys you arrived with have been asking for you. How are you feeling?" She repeats, and I relax slightly in the chair.

"Uhm, fine. I guess." I reply bluntly. "Wonderful! Now, I have a few questions to ask you if that's alright." I give her a plain nod and prepare myself for whatever questions she could possibly ask. I have about a thousand of my own, and I hope she'll give me a chance to gain some answers.

"First, you were shot, correct?" I give her another nod, taking a deep gulp. "That's a shame. Anywho, moving on. Now, this one might be a little personal." She purses her lips together and I tilt my head, wondering what she means. "During your time in the maze, did you partake in intercourse?" My eyes bulge at the question. It certainly was not what I was expecting.

I don't even know how to properly answer that, so instead, I rebut it with my own. "Why?" My question and reluctance to answer seems to satisfy her, and she drops the subject. "Hm. Is there anything you'd like?" She asks, and I think for a few moments. "I'd like to see my friends."

"Very well, follow me."

She helps me out of the chair. Normally, I would've refused this gesture, but my body wasn't exactly in the state to deny help when it's so obviously needed.

She leads me down lines of identical corridors, all with the same wallpaper and flooring as the room we were previously in. At the end of a particularly boring one, I notice two sliding glass doors. She nods at me and turns a corner, leaving me to walk down there by myself.

As I approach, the doors fly open, and I wince slightly at how loud it all is. Bustling calls and laughter takes my eardrums by surprise. Those doors must've been extremely soundproofing.

I must look lost, because a young man comes up to me. He's wearing a black, army-looking vest with a green undershirt that presses tightly against his muscles. His face is pointed and small, but he still manages to produce a nauseating smirk as he strides towards me.

"Hello there." He says, stopping only inches away from me. "Hello." I reply, trying to act polite as I take a step to the side. "You lost, princess?" He asks, his eyes flickering up and down my body. I scoff and roll my eyes, peering past him to rows and rows of tables. Each one is filled with kids, girls and boys, and for a moment, I feel like I'm dreaming.

He takes a step closer, breaking me from my trance, and runs his hand down my arm. "Fuck off, pervert." I snap, quite loudly, and slap his hand away. I said it with enough power that the room falls silent, and all eyes turn to me. I instantly shut up, and stare awkwardly at the floor.

I hear body's shifting, and footsteps rapidly moving towards me. Lots of them. Before I know it, I have about 10 pairs of arms wrapped around me. At first, it's all a blur, but the faces all soon become clear, and I realise it's my friends. Most of them are either greeting me or saying they thought I was dead.

They all pull away, giving me a chance to breath, and Chuck's sweaty little hand grabs my arm to lead me to their table. His eyes are still as pure and childlike as when we first met, even with all the shit that's gone down.

As we sit down, the other boys all resume their lively chatter, bursting with excitement. The tables we're seated at are plain and rough, tinted a greyish blue with long stools connected to the legs. The others have trays of food in front of them, and Enzo offers me some of his, but I refuse.

Chuck must notice I'm quieter than usual, so he attempts to brighten my mood. "Hey y/n, guess what?" He asks, a mischievous smile tipping upwards. I tilt my head, a similar smile lacing my lips. "They gave us all a shower, and I stole Enzo's clothes. He ran out completely naked and chased me until I gave them back!" He bursts into giggles before he can even finish his sentence, and I can't help but join. The prank was amateur, and he had much to learn, but it was good to see him smile.

I turn my attention towards the boys surrounding me. Of course, there are the ones who joined me in the Glade, but seated beside them are two who are extremely unfamiliar. The first, is a darker skinned boy with short, frizzy hair and big eyes. The other quite resembles Jack. He has cropped, tar-black hair and olive toned skin. They're both staring at me, occasionally taking a mouthful of their food, and eventually my curiosity gets the better of me.

I lean over to Newt. "Who are they?" I ask, and he quickly swallows the mouthful of banana bread that he'd just bitten into. "This is Brody and Luke, they're from another maze."

"What? There were other mazes?" I ask, twisting my body to look at the abundance of kids seated around us. Did they all come from different mazes? Newt nods and takes another mouthful of his food. "What is this place? Has anyone said when we're allowed to leave?" Once again, I talk to him just as he's mid chew.

"Bloody hell n/n, give me a second." He takes a large gulp and returns to the conversation. "Yes, a man named Janson came. He said this is a sort of home-between-homes. Like a safe place. They just took some kids to be transported about twenty minutes ago."

I look down, my leg bouncing with joy. Finally, after all the shit we've been through, we're finally going home.

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