Mission 1: Operation Strix Part 2

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This is the continuation of Part 1. I hope you like it 😀.

The scene changed once again, now showing a man who was definitely a dealer.
"Here's what I promised: Proof that the foreign minister wears a toupee," said the man, handing over a few pictures of the supposed minister, who had a wig slightly out of place.
"I even have the negatives," the cloaked person said, then throwing a device towards an elderly looking man with a beard.
"Well done. Now we can force him to resign. I look forward to doing business with you again," the old man replied, then got into a car and drove off.

"Uhm... Maybe this is a stupid question, but how will pictures and proof of that minister wearing a wig make him resign?", asked Becky, looking slightly dumbfounded.
Nobody answered that question, even though all the other kids and Yor seemed to have the same question.

The dealer turned away, then was suddenly faced with the same old guy from before, who was holding out his hand.
"Hey, how about you hand the goods over now?"
"Huh? Wha- But you just-", the man stuttered, coming to a realisation.
"He tricked me!"
The screen now showed the car in which the old man from before drove away.
"Code name: Twilight," a men's voice began to narrate.
The driver of the car ripped off the face mask, proceeding to show a very much familiar face.

Twilight covered his face in resignation. Gasps sounded from everywhere in the room.
"Loid-san? You're... A spy from Westalis?", asked Yor with shock written all over her face.
So that's the true reason he needed a fake wife? He was a spy all along?
She was so in shock that she didn't notice Anya pat her shoulder, trying to calm her down.
"LOIDY!!!! You filthy spy! I knew it! You're just using Yor-san for your disgusting mission!"
Twilight clenched his teeth and refused to reply.
Shit. Why did this have to happen? How did this person know my identity? No, more importantly: What else does she know?
... Well, let's just continue.
"No, wait! Where did you get those videos?"
I have my ways. No more questions, it's starting.

The screen unpaused and the scene changed to a restaurant, where a blonde woman was speaking.
"My dad has been in a foul mood lately. Someone stole his toupee pictures or so."
The woman frowned and said: "What even? I'm so mad."
The screen now focused on a man sitting in front of her, wearing a glasses.

"Is that you, Loid-san?"
Twilight contemplated lying for a moment, then sighed. He knew they would find out one way or the other. So he nodded silently with a slight frown.
"Who is that woman?", asked Becky, looking jealous.
Is she another rival? Seriously, how many must I have? Although it's no wonder, considering his handsome looks.
Anya stared at her friend weirdly.
Twilight sighed again, then murmured: "I'm sure you'll find out soon."

The woman spoke again.
"Hello? Are you listening, Robert?"

"Robert? Is that your real name, Loidy?"
"... Do you really think I'm such an amateur, Yuri?"

'Robert' hummed slightly, when a crowd started clapping to a couple, where a proposal was happening. The blonde woman started looking at the couple dreamily and asked: "So, Robert. Do you think one day we'll also-"
"Karen, let's break up."
Karen stared at Twilight in confusion, taking a moment to understand his words.
"I'm afraid I can't sense any intelligence in your conversations," he said, slowly getting up.
"Farewell. May you find happiness."
"Hey, Robert! You can't just do that to me! Robert!"

"... She was your girlfriend?"
Yor couldn't help but feel a little jealous.
Twilight shook his head, then nodded uncertainly.
"It was just for a mission."
"So you were planning on doing the same to me?", she asked, looking hurt. Twilight didn't answer, while Yuri looked completely enraged.
"How dare you do this to my sister? She's the most wonderful-"
"Stop, Yuri-san. It's fine."
Yor seemed embarrassed. At the same time, Fiona thought: Of course he'll do that to you after the mission is complete! What are you thinking? That he actually loves you? Pathetic.
"Chichi wouldn't do this to HaHa (This is how Anya calls Yor. I'll write it with two capital H's)!"
Fiona glared at her.
Stupid child. Of course he would. If I had been available as mother at that time, you would never have met that woman you call 'HaHa'.
Twilight didn't say a word.

The screen showed Twilight.
"Sorry Karen, but I have no further use for your family."

"You used her because of her family?"
Yor glanced at Yuri worriedly. Twilight nodded.
"Don't worry, it's not the same for you. I don't need your brother."
Yor looked slightly relieved.

Twilight tossed away his glasses and photos into a fire, burning them.
"As of today I am also done with the mask known as Robert. Marriage? Conventional happiness? I got rid of those aspirations, as well as my identity, the day I became a spy."

Yor looked at him sadly.
"Why would you do that?"
"I had nothing left to lose."
Meanwhile Becky stared at him with heart-shaped eyes.
A tragic hero. How cool my Loid is!!!
Damian couldn't hear her thoughts, but he saw her face. He frowned and murmured: "Stop fawning over him. Look at the screen!"

The scene changed again, now to the Berlint train station. Twilight was walking towards a bench, where a man was already sitting.

Author's note:
Sorry for the long wait 😅. I had a lot of exams, but they're over now! Also, thank you so much for 100+ reads on the last chapter! I'm still a bit busy, but I'll try updating as quickly as possible 😊.

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