new team

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After the call up from England, I ws obviously in complete shock thinking that England would want me.

But now I'm pulling up to St Georges Park, in leahs car, and I'm going to be apart of the world cup squad.

My nerves are rattling because i don't know how the lionesses will react now that there is a new teammate in the squad.

Leah puts the car in Park and turns to me

"You ok?" She asks

"Ya just nervous" I say

"There's no need to be, they will love you" she reassured me

I just nod and smiles

Speaking of leah, not much had happened since the night I stayed at her house. We just only seem to hang out more. But there's no more kissing, not just full on make out but like just kisses on the cheeks anymore.

We step out the car and get our bags. We make our way to the front door of St George's Park, my hands shaking as I carry leah and I' bags.

We walk through the doors, no one being here yet as leah had to be here before everyone else gother s she was captaining.

I put out bags down near the seating area, and take a seat next to our bags. As leah sits down sarina walks in.

I stand up, as she approaches me

"Hello de Silva, pleasure to meet the real superstar in person" she holds her hand out to shake mine

I clutch her hand and firmly shake it.

"It's a pleasure to meet you too" I smile

We pull our hands away from the handshake.

Sarina then turns to leah.

"Could I have a chat with you, leah, please" she says

"Ya no problem" leah says getting up out her seat and following behind sarina as they walk out of sight.

As leah was talking to sarina, I played games on my phone, waiting for leah to come back.

As I'm playing on my phone, leah still hasn't came back yet, I hear the main entrance doors open and then close.

I turn my head and I see two women, with suitcases talking amongst eachother.

One has dark hair tied up in a low bun wearing a pair of sunglasses. The other has lighter hair and in a pony tail.

Then it clicked.

They both play for Barcelona. Lucy bronze and keira walsh. I remember Lucy alot she tends to try wind me up on the pitch alot.

After they got closer to where I was sitting, they both noticed me sitting down minding my own business on my phone.

I look up from my phone and see their confused and shocked face on them.

I stand up and put out my hand for them to shake

"Hey, I'm Lucia de Silva, lovely to meet you" I say smiling

"Lucy bronze" she dair haired woman says shaking my hand

"I'm keira walsh" the other woman smiles

I sit back down on my seat where I was before and don't play on my phone anymore, not wanting to come across rude.

As keira and Lucy sit down, the main door swings open, causing the three of our heads turn to whoever just nearly took the door of its hinges.

I see a girl who's fairly short and seems very excited, then followed quickly by alessia. I know alessia already through leah.

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