Open Your Eyes

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"Open your eyes, Oli," it whispered to me. 

I nod, alone in my bed. 

"Can't you see? Everything is always working out for you." 

Slowly, my eyelids open. Easy and natural, to be met with darkness. There was no light anymore, not from the window or the fairy lights, there was just nothing. 

My body lifts deeper, I rise but feel like I'm falling at the same time. I float, suspended over any surface, unable to feel the sheets anymore. 

"What do you mean?" I croak, my voice echoing hollowly around the empty void. "How can everything be okay when I feel so lost and alone?" 

"Look around you, Oli," the voice says gently. "Everything you've become was with intention, every experience, every setback, every perceived failure." 

I look around my surroundings, finding nothing. 


"Don't say you can't," the voice echos. "Believe." 


"It's right there Oliver, right in front of you." 

Open your eyes. 

It's like I'm seeing for the first time, bubbles in the air rippling to life-- appearing out of nothing. They fade into focus, catching a glitter of light. From where, I didn't know. 

I look closer at the bubbles, mirages rippling inside of them. One by one, dozens of images still, a transparent effect to them. They begin to change, like videos. Videos enclosed in bubbles. They were... my memories

I watch one, when our bus broke down on the side of the road on our way to a festival. The bubble memory changes, showing an hour later. Another bus pulls over, stopping right in front of ours. 

I watch past me climb out, our manager going to talk to someone else. They wave their arm over at us, and the memory skips ahead to when I meet him. 

Even now, looking back at it, I almost can't believe it. I looked so young then, and Noah looked so young too. We were like babies. Back when I first met him. My heart.. feels weird. 

I watch myself sit next to him, and I watch us talk. And suddenly, the memory is over, and it rips back to the beginning. The engine of the bus is smoking, loud noises coming from it. 

"No," I whisper. Go back.. 

The driver is pulling over, and I watch the same memory, my mouth parted now. 

"Don't you see how this all started?" it asks me. 

I look away from the memory, searching for the source of the voice. As always, nothing. 

"W-what do you mean?" 

I look around at all the other memories, displaying some of my unluckiest moments. But then, they're followed up with an outcome. Loosing my job, having to move. Only to end up in a better place overall. 

"W- why are you.." 

"Because you see the patterns?" it asks me. 

I nod. Something negative before something positive. Even if it's something as little as a nosebleed before a show.. it was preparation. 

"Learn to trust, Oliver," it tells me. "Do not doubt. Your time will come." 

I fall silent, watching everything. 

"How do I become less alone?" 

"Oliver, you have to believe you're not alone." 

And suddenly, his hand is in mine, warm and welcoming. I turn my head to see his face, stars in his brown eyes like a whole cosmos. 

"I love you." 

I wake up, never feeling more awake in my life. I roll over to Noah, finding him already half awake. His face was beautiful when he slept, and when he was tired. He was just perfect in general. 

I roll over, lifting myself to lean over him. He opens his eyes, and I lean down, kissing him. 


A/N its funny bc I wouldn't consider myself a bmth fan, and here i am. writing fanfics. 

please i know nothing about this band 

the accuracy of these is like 0% 

I know he was in court for peeing on someone tho. 

I would've loved to use real memories and situations but unfortunately. 

believe in magic 

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