Chapter 6 ~ Broken Hearts and Awkward Dates

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Mario was the first to run off and the others quickly followed. They all sprinted off in different directions and hid, trying to make it harder for FM to catch them. Luigi took out his trusty glitter and threw it in FM's eyes. "AHHHH! GET IT OUT!" Who could have thought that the sparkly substance that the green troll carried would be helpful in these types of situations.

FM was so panicked that he was just attempting to grab them instead of doing the logical step of grabbing a net. "Oh no! Mr Puzzles is going to be so mad!" He then noticed the scurrying, fat troll running with his beloved pet. He began running after him, but Three stood in his way, using a fork as a self defense weapon. FM responded by grabbing a pot and was about to crush Three when-


He spun around to see Four with a stern finger. "You're in love with King X." FM's body immediately stiffened as he dropped the pot. His cheeks were pink and his eyeballs looked off in some random direction. "I don't know what your talking about..." Four opened some curtains behind him that revealed ripped pieces of magazines and pictures of X, plastered all over the wall. Now his cheeks were a bright red. In a mad dash, he ran over and shut the curtains. "That's not mine!" Four raised an eyebrow and slowly opened the curtains again where scraps of paper formed a picture of FM wedding X.

He sighed and said "What's the point? It's not like he even knows I'm alive." Four's interrogating expression wore off into excitement has he came up with a brilliant idea. "I can help you FM! What if there was a way that we could both get what we want?" FM instantly inched closer to the troll and stated in a conflicting way "You love X too? You better back off bro!"

Four looked back at him with a deer in headlights look and shook his head. "No. That's not what I meant. That troll that X put in his mouth...that's Tag6." Four pulled out the picture he was looking at the night before. "And..I would do anything to save her. The only problem is that we can't get anywhere near the king without him eating us."

FM looked back with a troubled expression. " can!" His face perked back up again until he heard the prince's plan. "You can walk right up to him and tell him how you feel." He scoffed and said "As if. I can't just walk right up to the king. He would never talk to a dirty servant like me."

Yeah, that might be a problem. There had to be a way around it. "What if he didn't know you were a dirty servant? What if he thought that you were this really hot guy?" The other trolls came out of hiding to hear more about the plan. "What kind of hot guy would be dressed like a servant? I smell like a burnt tire." Tari and Melony then squealed in excitement. "We could make you a new outfit! Something rugged and stylish!"

"What's the point of a new outfit if I still have this hair?"

"We could fix that!"

"What's the point of a new outfit and new hair if I don't even know what a hot guy would say?"

"We can help with that too!"

FM's eyes shinned with interest. "Really?" All that was left was for him to agree and then the plan was set. "What do you say? You get Tag6 back and we'll get you a date with the king." He looked at all the trolls, anxiously awaiting his answer. "Let's do it?"

"YIPPEE!" They all started getting to work, singing another catchy song to go along with the glow up. "When you look in the mirror, let it disappear! All your insecurities!"


The music cut out and FM pointed to Three with curiosity. "Why isn't he singing?" All the other trolls started encouraging Three to sign along with them, but he still was declining to do so. "Nope. I'm good." A nervous anxiety started to bubble inside FM as he asked "You don't think this will work?"

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