Chapter 7 ~ Is it a Rescue or Betrayal

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FM skated into his room and collapsed on the rickety, old bed. "Mario thinks the king really likes him!" Meggy nodded and said "Don't you mean he likes FM?" The Bergen of discussion cheered to himself and finally said something. "That was the greatest day of my life!" He turned to the prince and said "Thanks Four!"

Four smiled sweetly at him as FM thanked all of his new, tiny friends. Three looked a little left out so FM directed attention to him and said "Even you I guess..." Three had a little smile, but then hid it back into a frown. He fell back onto the bed on shock, realizing "I just can't believe something like that could actually happen to me and it just did!"

"I'm so excited that I could just scream!" Four sat up and proclaimed to his friends "I could scream too! Tag6 is alive!" All his friends joined in on cheering, but one of their screams sounded more upset than happy. Three noticed they were staring at him and stopped. Four asked "Three what's wrong?" He gave them a look of confusion and said "Nothing? I thought we were celebrating." Mario crooked his head a little and asked "That's Smg3's happy shout?"

He sighed and said "It's been a while." Four shrugged it off and told him "Well you're going to have plenty of practice because we're gonna save Tag6 and life will be all fun and laughter again!" Three raised a hand to signify he wanted a high five and said "Up top!" Four tried to slap it, but Three pulled his hand away like that weird little clown did and said "Too slow." Four was surprised at first, but then he gave a glowing smile to Three, who even returned it. They both blushed as they realized that they actually didn't mind each other's company anymore. Like they were becoming friends.

"Okay everyone! Let's go save Tag6!" They all started rushing to the door when suddenly, FM slammed it and blocked the door. "NO! You can't leave. FightingMario54321 is gonna be the king's plus one at dinner." Three raised an eyebrow and said in sarcasm "The dinner where they're serving troll? Yeah, we'll have to skip that one." FM tried to encourage them to stay by informing them "You have to help me be FightingMario54321! I need you!"

Four said "You don't want to be someone you're not forever!" FM quietly responded "Then how about just for tomorrow?" The prince sighed and came to the truth. "FM, you don't need us anymore. You and the king can make each other happy." FM's expression turned really upset as he shouted "That's impossible! Only eating a troll can make you happy! Everyone knows that!" He pulled off the pictures above his bed and threw them in the trash. "I WISH I NEVER WENT ON THIS STUPID DATE!!!"

He collapsed onto his knees and covered the crying with his shaking hands. Four felt bad as he tried to comfort his friend. "FM..." He burst out "JUST GO! Get out of my room! Leave me alone..." Four tried to get closer. "FM please listen..." The voice of Mr Puzzles shouting from above had stopped him."FM! WHAT'S GOING ON DOWN THERE!?" Three pulled Four to the door and said "Come on. We have to go." He and the rest of the crew left, but Four watched the awful scene, feeling nothing but remorse.

A plate fell on the servant's head as the TV man commanded "Scrub that dish! The king is bringing a plus one!" FM calmed his tears for a moment and sadly whispered "Yes Mr Puzzles..." Four sighed and decided to go after Tag6 like the rest of his friends, glancing at FM in misery before he left.

"We can do this Yoshi!" His pet was sleeping peacefully on the floor while X was decked out in workout gear. "I just have to lose 30 pounds in the next 8 hours." He slapped on some headphones and put his treadmill on the slowest speed possible.

The door slowly creaked open as Four and his friends spotted the broach on the bed. "There it is!" They slowly snuck into the room towards the jewel they were after, but it really didn't matter since X couldn't hear anything over his mix. Three pulled on the latch that they saw X open on the date while Four said "Hold on Tag6! We'll have you out in a second."

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