How It All Began

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L rolled out of bed, he had no idea but he could feel a special feeling that must be important somehow. Light Yagami slowly got dressed he did not know that today was when he would meet the most special person in his whole life. "Now that I'm becoming part of the task force I should have no problem getting secret classified information about the Kira investigation" Light said into the mirror. L sat in his usual position in a chair drinking tea 5 minutes before Light Yagami arrived to be part of the task force. "Hmm I can't wait till Light gets here" L quietly whispered. As soon as Light pulled up in his red car L ran over to the window "could that be him?" L looked very interested in the window. Light got out of the car and headed towards the entrance to the special building that had been made to solve this case. "Wow this is amazing I've never seen something so tall well at least it'll feel like home here" light muttered to himself as he walked to the elevator. As soon as Light walked through the door he saw L and they froze in shock. "Woah" thought Light. "Why is my heart beating so loudly" L wondered
"So you must be L" said Light. "Yes I am L but please call me Ryuzaki here and Ryuga in public if we are ever you know we are out" L said shyly. "oh ok Ryuzaki" Light smiled he had never felt this way before especially for L he had just met him and already had a bit of feeling for him. And L had a small desire for Light but he didn't know if Light felt the same for him but he had to know. "Uh Light can I speak to you about something I'll show you to your room and we can talk there" L was confident about this he really liked Light but was worried if he didn't like him. As L and Light walked to the elevator L pulled out his phone and turned off the security cameras and audio taps in Lights room. "So uh Light I have something to tell you but it will wait till we get to the room" L looked nervous about this "are you okay L you look a little worried" Light felt bad for him but at the same time he had feelings for him. "it's just that......nevermind" L walked out of the elevator and opened the door to Lights new room. "ah here we are" goes and sits on the bed after closing the door and locking it. "uh Ryuzaki what are you planning to do to me?" Light was very nervous about this. "Well the truth is ever since uh you came into the door I had this feeling that.......i like you Light" L sat on the bed. "What do you mean you like me?" light asked. "I kind of really like you like almost love" L was panicking inside because he was worried for Lights response. "I love you too" Light hugged L. "what" L was very shocked. "the reason why I brought you here was because I thought you were Kira and I want that to be proven wrong" takes long handcuffs and put one on Lights wrist and the other one on his. "we should wear these so we can be together 24/7 and you can be cleared of being Kira" L smiled. "ok that's fine with me I'd like to be with you every second of everyday" Light laughed because this was just what he wanted.

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