Night time

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As L and Light slowly awoke it was 9 P.M and Light was still wrapping his arms and legs around L. L didn't feel good because he didn't want to do the Kira investigation anymore he wanted to be with Light instead. Light carefully undressed L so he could be put in his pajamas but he said no just to leave him in his boxers. So Light did the same he decided they could sleep in their boxers together. "Light can you please get me my water on the nightstand?" Light grabbed it and handed it to him. "you know I'd do anything for you just ask" then there was a loud thunder clap and lightning stuck the ground it was pouring outside. L then started shaking and quickly nestled his head into Lights chest. "L what's wrong" Light was a bit worried for him he never acted this way. "It's just that I'm scared of storms they scare me" L kissed Light very roughly. Light didn't want this to end he didn't want to pull away but then L started wrapping his arms and legs around Light. "Ryuzaki what are you doing?" Oh is it to bad for you do u want me to stop?" "No no keep going" L pulled them even closer. Then L kissed light and stayed like that for a few seconds before Light stopped and fell asleep. Soon after L fell asleep. The next morning they woke up and got dressed yesterday L had gotten sick so he couldn't work on the investigation. Today I decided to call Misa up and go to the mall with her. L seemed like he wanted to come too. Mainly I just went to be Misa's source of money because she never had any because she always spent it on expensive shoes and dresses and all that stuff. And L probably would want a few things and I maybe wanted to get something but I'm not sure what. "So Light are we ready to go?" "Yes yes let's get going, so I'm assuming you want me to drive, right?" "Yeah I'm not very good"
*A few hours later*
L and Light burst through the door of their room while holding some shopping bags and holding hands. Light flopped down on the bed pulling L with him. "I' all that........walking" "me......too" L started to close his eyes. "Awe don't go to bed with out me" Light threw every shopping bag that was on the bed to the floor and then hopped in bed and snuggled with L. "You can go to sleep now" Light pulled L closer and let him lay his head on Light's chest. "Okay thank you" and it's that L kissed Light goodnight then soon fell asleep. Not long after Light drifted off into a deep sleep. The next morning L awoke screaming and crying.

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