Chapter 30 Hyo Returned

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Meanwhile, Hyo returned with a heavy hide bag filled to the brim with the sweet vegetables Samaya had requested. In his other hand, he carried a stunning peacock, its feathers ablaze with vibrant hues that shimmered in the sunlight. He had chosen the bird for its striking beauty, hoping to bring a smile to Samaya's face. As he entered their home, Hyo immediately noticed Samaya's absence. Following the instinctual pull of the beast tattoo, he set off to find her.

Seated within the dimly lit cave, Samaya expressed her reluctance to consume the bird that Leviathan had hunted for her. Instead, she stuffed her cheeks with wild vegetables, her appetite diminished by the haunting image of the deceased bird. Haunted by the image of the deceased bird, Samaya witnessed the reality of hunting for the first time, and the weight of the animal's demise weighed heavily on her mind. Leviathan, visibly concerned about her health and appearance, scrutinized her slender frame and suggested she eat some fatty meat to gain weight. However, Samaya, content with her current weight of 55 kg, adamantly refused! Annoyed by Leviathan's persistence, she firmly declined his suggestion over and over. Despite her clear stance, Leviathan remained unconvinced, expressing continued concern about her slim figure. She frowned and turned away from him, her frustration palpable. Leviathan, sensing her defiance, stood up and retreated deeper into the cave.

Moments later, he returned with a small hide bag in his hand. Startled by the sudden sound of his approach, Samaya spun back around, only to have something forcefully stuffed into her mouth. Leviathan stood before her, his expression stern, firmly covering her mouth with his hand to prevent her from spitting out whatever it was. Caught off guard, Samaya struggled momentarily to breathe with Leviathan's hand over her mouth, eventually swallowing the small, hard object. It was surprisingly smooth and didn't cause any discomfort, but its purpose remained a mystery to her. Leviathan, satisfied with her compliance, watched her silently, the air thick with tension. Having swallowed the mysterious object, Samaya met Leviathan's gaze with watery eyes.

Glancing down at the small hide bag that Leviathan had brought, Samaya discovered an assortment of red and blue crystals. Their vibrant colors and faint glow mesmerized her, casting an ethereal light in the cave's darkness. Confusion clouded her features as she looked up at Leviathan, silently questioning his intentions. Leviathan, maintaining his stoic demeanor, observed her reaction closely, waiting for her to eat them. Growing impatient with her hesitation, Leviathan decided to take matters into his own hands. Realizing she wasn't voluntarily consuming the crystals, he seized another opportunity and forcefully stuffed a handful into her mouth once more. The cave's silence was broken only by the sound of her reluctantly swallowing the mysterious crystals. Having achieved his goal, Leviathan smiled with satisfaction before calmly walking out of the cave.

The moment Leviathan stepped out of the cave, he immediately sensed Hyo's approach. Casting a fleeting glance back at Samaya inside, a sinister grin played across his lips. Without uttering a word to Samaya, he swiftly transformed into his beast form, his eyes gleaming with deadly intent. With a fluid motion, Leviathan surged towards Hyo, the air crackling with tension as a fierce clash between two powerful beings loomed. Hyo, sensing the unusual hostility emanating from Leviathan, swiftly transformed into his beast form, narrowly evading Leviathan's aggressive attack. Despite Hyo's agility and prowess, he keenly recognized the vast difference in strength between himself and the enraged Leviathan. With the grace of a skilled dancer, Hyo deftly dodged each of Leviathan's relentless attacks. Leviathan, consumed by a berserk fury, unleashed a barrage of strikes that Hyo narrowly evaded, his movements fluid yet calculated. Despite his agile maneuvers, Hyo struggled to find an opening to counter Leviathan's overwhelming force.

As the battle raged on, Leviathan's overwhelming power began to wear down Hyo's defenses. The once sleek and confident snow leopard found himself bruised and battered under Leviathan's onslaught. Despite his resilience, Hyo struggled to maintain his footing against the relentless barrage. With a venomous snarl, Leviathan seized an opening, sinking his fangs deep into Hyo's flank. The poison surged through Hyo's veins, weakening his limbs and clouding his senses. Despite his valiant efforts, Hyo's strength ebbed, leaving him vulnerable to Leviathan's grasp. Leviathan's ferocity knew no bounds as he coiled around Hyo, his powerful form constricting with lethal intent. The snow leopard, gasping for breath, felt Leviathan's crushing embrace tighten, each squeeze a relentless reminder of his impending fate. Hyo's agonized cries pierced the air, a haunting melody of pain that echoed through the forest, stark against the backdrop of their fierce struggle.

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