Chapter 38 Leviathan Got Angry

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Hyo found himself surrounded by the bee beastmen inside the cave, their imposing forms blocking his path to Samaya. The once joyous celebration had turned tense as the males seemed determined to keep Samaya within their tribe. Hyo's frustration grew as he tried to push through the unyielding barrier.

Suddenly, Leviathan arrived at the cave. His eyes darted between Samaya and Hyo, quickly assessing the situation. The atmosphere grew even more intense under his scrutinizing gaze. His presence commanded immediate respect, causing the beastmen around him to shift uneasily.

"She's drugged! You can't reason with her," Hyo shouted towards Leviathan, his voice filled with desperation.

Leviathan transformed back into his human form, his eyes locked onto Samaya. He approached her amidst her captivating performance, his expression stern and filled with concern. "Didn't I tell you that you are not allowed to use this form?" he demanded, his voice cutting through the noise of the cave with authoritative weight.

Samaya, reveling in her strength, shook her head defiantly. "I like this form! I don't want to change back!" Her voice was filled with a boldness that was both intoxicating and dangerous.

Leviathan, standing at a distance with numerous beastmen between them, couldn't physically reach Samaya. Desperation filled his eyes as he realized the situation was slipping out of control. He attempted to forcefully disconnect her from his power, but the energy surrounding her was potent and resistant.

Samaya cried out in pain as Leviathan's attempt intensified the burning sensation on her beast tattoo. She resisted, clenching her fists as she fought against the force trying to disconnect her. Despite the pain, Samaya smirked defiantly at Leviathan, refusing to yield.

With a determined frown, Leviathan walked toward Samaya, emanating a powerful aura that made the surrounding males step aside, acknowledging their inferiority. He gently touched her shoulder and whispered, "You need to come back. This isn't the right place for you."

Samaya, still defiant, slapped Leviathan's hand away. Unfazed, he laughed and cast a sinister smile at her. "It seems you need some education."

He grabbed her and forcefully placed her belly on his lap. The cave echoed with the sound of his hand slapping her butt. Samaya struggled, her bound with him still active, but Leviathan’s strength was greater. She cried out, the pain overwhelming her, until finally, she stopped struggling. Sensing her surrender, Leviathan disconnected her.

Still holding Samaya, Leviathan walked out of the cave, away from the intense atmosphere inside. The night air felt cooler, and he looked at her with a serious expression. "Remember this experience well."

As they moved away from the cave, Samaya, feeling the cooler air, glanced at Leviathan and snuggled into his arms, finding comfort and slowly drifting into sleep. Despite the discomfort from the recent incident, the persistent pain in her buttocks overshadowed her tender feelings.

When the trio arrived home, Hyo lit the fireplace. The warmth of the flames enveloped the room, casting a soft, flickering glow. Leviathan carefully laid Samaya down on a soft animal hide. She remained in a deep slumber, her breathing steady.

Hyo’s eyes narrowed with frustration as he exchanged a disapproving glance with Leviathan, silently expressing his disagreement with the way things had unfolded in the cave. The tension in the air lingered, a palpable reminder of the conflicting dynamics between the two males.

"It was useless to reason with her. Why did you spank her? She was drugged the whole time," Hyo growled, his voice filled with anger.

Leviathan’s deep voice cut through the tension as he defended his actions. "She needs to grasp the consequences of defying me. It's for her own good." His stern tone hinted at a belief in the necessity of discipline, leaving an air of unresolved conflict in the room.

Frustrated and disagreeing with Leviathan, Hyo turned away, leaving the room in silence. The crackling of the fireplace provided the only sound, a stark contrast to the lingering tension between the two males.

Leviathan watched Hyo leave, his face a mask of determination. He knelt beside Samaya, brushing a strand of hair from her face. "Rest well," he murmured softly. "You need to learn, but I will protect you."

The night continued, the warmth of the fire filling the room, but the unspoken tension remained, hanging in the air like a storm waiting to break.

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