Chapter 33 It's Hard To Be A Women

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They were left speechless, realizing their efforts had been in vain as Samaya retreated back into the hole. Both males sat down, gazing into the crack, patiently waiting for her to change her mind and, perhaps, forgive them. The lingering scent of the noodles hung in the air, a subtle reminder of their failed attempts to coax her out. Samaya, her tummy now content with the delicious noodles, felt her anger dissipate. The savory flavors had a magical way of calming her, and as she sat inside the crack, a newfound tranquility replaced the earlier frustration.

With a mischievous glint in her eyes, Samaya decided to playfully tease the patiently waiting duo outside. "You know," she called out, "I'm quite comfortable in here. Maybe I'll just stay forever." Hyo, slightly irritated, retorted, "How long do you plan to sit on the cold, hard floor?" "If you don't like it, make me a cushion out of animal hide and feathers from the bird you caught," she replied, still enjoying her playful mood. The one who stood up wasn't Hyo but Leviathan. Rising from his spot, he decided to head back to the house in search of suitable materials to craft her a cushion.

Suddenly, Samaya felt a warm sensation running down her leg. Panic set in. "Oh, fuck no, I got my period!" she exclaimed. Quickly, she crawled out, thinking, "I need to go to the house, where the cotton flowers are stored!" Samaya ran past both males, not sparing them a glance, swiftly entering the house and stuffing the cotton inside her underwear. Moments later, she emerged, looking a bit relieved, and headed back to her spot inside the crack, leaving the two males bewildered by the sudden turn of events. The two spouses exchanged amused glances as they caught a whiff of her different scent. Their expressions shifted from confusion to understanding, and a shared smile played on their lips.

Samaya, no longer in the mood to tease them, retrieved the feathers from the hole and walked happily back to the house, admiring the vibrant colors that glittered in the sunlight. Leviathan diligently crafted a pillow, filling it with the soft feathers of the bird Hyo had hunted. Samaya sat on her hide bed, playing with the peacock feathers, which, while colorful, weren't as fluffy and suitable for a pillow. She occasionally glanced at Leviathan, appreciating his effort in creating a comfortable cushion. Curiosity sparked, Samaya looked at Leviathan and inquired, "Where did you get so many of these red crystals?" Leviathan, without looking up from his work, responded, "I hunted some animals for food, and these crystals happened to drop."

Hyo eyed Leviathan with suspicion. He was well aware of the difficulty in hunting those creatures; they hunted in big packs, and one could easily be surrounded by them. "You should be powerful and careful if you want a red crystal," he thought. Wanting to impress Samaya, Hyo said, "I managed to hunt some too." He showed her the red crystals inside his pocket, and asked, "Why are you so curious about the red crystals?" Samaya glanced at Leviathan and replied, "Leviathan fed me some red and blue crystals earlier."

Hyo's expression turned stern, silently expressing his disapproval of Leviathan's handling of the situation. "Are we rich?" she asked, curious. Hyo chuckled. "Well, we might be rich in crystals, but the real wealth is having you with us." Leviathan nodded in agreement, smiling at Samaya. She blushed and tried to change the flow of the conversation, reminding Leviathan of his promise. "You shouldn't forget your promise to take me to the beach," she said. Leviathan smirked while saying, "Of course, my dear. We'll go to the beach soon, I promise." Prompting Samaya to beam with excitement.

Feeling a twinge of jealousy, Hyo chimed in, "How about I take you somewhere special too, Samaya?," intending to make his own memorable gesture for her. "There's a bee-man village nearby, and they throw a lively party every full moon night. What do you think?" Leviathan, well aware that bee-men had a queen and weren't interested in females, suggested, "You should have some fun. I need to sleep for a couple of days to regenerate my strength, and it's too warm for me there anyway." Samaya agreed without a second thought and walked towards Leviathan. Making a bold move, she laid her head on his lap, while closing her eyes. Hyo, watching from a distance, felt a pang of jealousy but still tried his best to hide it. Leviathan, surprised by Samaya's unexpected behavior, hesitated for a moment before gently stroking her hair.

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