Chapter 7|: Lily's wrath

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"I've nothing to say to you Sapphire. I could understand those two dimwits, but YOU?" Lily spoke in a firm whisper. Due to the trios prank, the prefect was kept up another hour in hopes to lull the first year girls back into their slumber.

"Lilyyy! I'm sorry, I love you, please don't leave me!" Sapphire whined to the ginger.

"Shhh! Keep your voice down holy shit... I'll let it go this time." The girl gleamed up at Sapphire, causing a sigh a relief from her. "But you're gonna owe me."

"YES, anything." The girls smiled at each other and both climbed up the stairs towards their dorm. Lily had completely forgotten to lecture the two accomplices of the prank.

The first day of classes finally began. Sapphire had to rise earlier than all of her dorm-mates. She and Remus were assigned to tour the Gryffindor first years around the school and drop them off to the great hall for breakfast. Though as she greeted the students, they all glared at her with annoyance. Remus, unknowingly asked the kids what had them so grim. "Oh I don't know, maybe it was the fact that someone nearly gave us all a heart attack late last night," a young blond girl spoke up, still staring at Sapphire. Remus mentally face palmed, noting to ask her about it after they were free.

Later that morning, once the two Gryffindors sat to begin their breakfast, Sapphire spoke. "It was all Sirius's and James's idea, I was forced to do it,"

"Don't give me that, I know you well, and I know you're just as cunning as them- maybe even more." The boy replied, with a serious tone; in all truth, he found the whole ordeal quite amusing. It was just like Sapphire to cause mischief on the first day of being back to school.

The school day had gone by so quickly, students had already been assigned mountains of homework. And although they should have been busy with the workload, Marlene and Sapphire had more 'productive' plans. The girls ran through the grassy field, giggling childishly, Marlene adding a spin or two as they made their way to the forest. The forbidden forest was- well, forbidden. That had never stopped anyone in Sapphires circle. And as the duo had already brushed passed the shrubbery and looming tress, they made it to a cave, ornate with Lilly of the valley flowers. Marlene motioned with her hands, a swimming stroke. As she did, the scenery around them melted and swirled away just to reconstruct into a rocky plane, surrounded by grass and trees. In the centre lay a bright blue body of water. It reflected an array of colours that followed the gentle ripples of the waters. And a very airy aura emitted around the land.

Marlene, Sapphire, and Lily had discovered the hidden beauty two years prior and had since, come back every so often to relax in the safe haven. The girls didn't really know much history about the place, which had Lily spiral into a frenzy of reading every book she could get her hands on about portals and gateways. They found nothing, thus began creating their own narratives as to what the place was. Their top guess was that it was a remnant of fairies who lived around the area, forgetting to close off the gate.

"Oh have I missed this place," Sapphire began as the two girl were undressing to enter the water. They simultaneously entered the pond- a calming effect taking over them, releasing all feelings of negativity. The water was lukewarm, with no obvious heat source in sight.

"I do wish Lily would have come. She just has to have her head in a book at all times," Marlene began.

"Yes well, last year I do remember we dragged her here but she still brung like 10 books with her," the girls laughed, enjoying themselves. Marlene and Sapphire had become fast friends since the beginning of their first year- sometimes too close. Though it wasn't anything serious, the two had once made out.. well maybe twice.. or five times. The first two, they were young and discovering themselves, it had lead Marlene to realise she was bisexual. And even though Sapphire would say she is straight, there had been a few parties where the two had drank more than they could handle.

"So Saph.. any new- or old crushes?" The blonde girl questioned, intently waiting for an answer. Sapphire sighed before splashing the girl with water.

"Oh yes, there is this one girl. Such magnificent red hair, and piercing green eyes. Though she never talks to me with her deep love towards books." The brunette dramatically exclaimed as the back of her hand made its way towards her forehead.

"Don't do that, you sound like James!" Marlene held a disgusted look on her face before both girls burst into laughter.

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