Chapter 12|: Hair issues

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Amongst blankets of warmth, and the tight grasp of a figure around her hips did Sapphire wake. She turned her head to see Marlene engulfing the girl with her arms. Her eyes were shut, soft breaths from her nose and a small amount of drool around the corner of her lips. Blond curls caressed her face and Sapphire couldn't help but admire her beauty. "Saph, why are you ogling at Marlene?" A voice below the girls arose. It was only just then did Sapphire realise that she was laying on the couch of the common room. Across the floor slept Remus, James, and Peter. It was Lily who had just spoken. She was sat on the floor, leaning against the couch.

"Can't help it Lily. She's the love of my life," Sapphire announced while batting her eyes at Lily who made a disgusted face, hiding a smile. The girl looked around again to notice Sirius's absence. "Where's Sirius?", she gawked. Her head spun from side to side before spotting the boy; his body was sprung across the centre of the common room, mouth open and covered in drool. Both girls gritted their teeth in disgust.

"Yeah um, let's not talk about.. that..", Lily laughed. It was the first Sunday morning of Sapphire's fifth year at Hogwarts. All of her friends but she, Remus, and Sirius had plans to go to Hogsmeade. Remus used the excuse of needing to study, acting like he was also forcing Sapphire to. Sirius on the other hand had faked a detention- which the group did not question in the slightest. It was essential of course. The three were to discuss more of what they would need to do on Tuesday. They had assumed that the meeting only occurred once weekly as a precaution and on a Tuesday as it was the day that Remus and Sapphire had seen Rosier. It was the best lead they had as to when the meetings were in order- if the assumption was incorrect, nothing negative would really come out of it.

To say Sapphire did not feel discomfited at the thought of the subject would be an utter lie. She had put up a front of readying herself for a war if it came to it. The truth- be it, a cowardice one, was that the girl loathed the thought of herself getting involved in such intricate evils. But she would have to endure them, knowing one day she would face it nevertheless. "Ok, now that we've rediscussed the plan, are the both of you still on board?", Remus spoke. For less than a millisecond, Sirius and Sapphire hesitated, before they finally nodded their heads in agreement.

Sapphire was sat on a curved branch, her body fitting into its structure like a puzzle piece. The girl had her sketch book perched upon her lap, a pencil in her right hand. She intently studied her surroundings, the waters of the Black lake dancing with the melody of the breeze. The girl often times would sit there, just drawing the scenery; it was something she did to help her cope with any stress. What really tore her was the fact that she felt that she just had no time for her passions. Though that was something she had thought for the past 3 years. Many a time the girl would be enriching herself in the joy of art but would be then replaced with the thought that 'she had no time'. She then realised how she was dressed. Her clothing was not horrible- just some sweatpants and a large navy hoodie, but it didn't encapsulate her true style at all. She couldn't have people seeing she was basic. The girl sighed at her mentality of hating to be perceived by other people. She swung herself off the branch, her sketch book tucked safely away in a messenger bag, and headed back towards the common room.

The Gryffindor common room felt quiet. Too quiet for Sapphires liking. Remus had earlier gone up to his dorm room to catch up on some missed sleep, and Sirius had departed to Hogsmeade, not wanting to miss the opportunity of visiting Zonko's. The girl made her way up to her dorm to shower. And in doing so, she noticed that her beloved watermelon scented conditioner smelt slightly different, though she brushed it off as hay fever from sitting around trees too long. Sometime during her shower, Sapphire had coated the length of her hair in the conditioner. She stood under the warm water, waiting for five minutes before she would wash it off. As she exited the shower and looked into the mirror to glimpse at her reflection, she froze. Unable to mutter a word. Half of her beautiful brown hair had been dyed a ghastly blond. Sapphire prided herself in her hair, she never missed a single opportunity to show it off. But as she looked at her reflection, tears began to stream. It was childish of her to be upset over something so trivial however the fading of her attractiveness had always taunted her. She was quick to put on her clothing and rush out of the bathroom. She searched- searched for anything she could use to revive her brown locks, but it was when she heard the chatter of familiar voices in the common room, the girl gave up and dashed towards them. "YOU ABSOLUTE WANKERS! DO YOU GUYS THINK THIS IS FUNNY? IS IT?!" Sapphire's voice shook with a mix of anger and sadness as she left her dorm and made her way down the stairs. Tears streamed down her face, her hair still wet. The boys were laughing before they realised, she wasn't amused.

"Calm down Saph, I'm sure we can fix it," James tried to comfort his sister, his palm on her shoulder. She stared at him for a minute before a frown began to form on her face. The girl collapsed onto the hard wood floor, face hidden and arms wrapping around her legs.

"W-who did this..", she questioned, emotion still overwhelmingly visible in her voice.

"I'm sorry Saph, I just thought you looked down recently and thought that maybe a little prank would fix that. I didn't know you would get this upset..", James said as he lowered his head in shame. Sapphire wanted to be mad, she wanted to shout at him and call him every horrid name she could think of, but she couldn't do it. The truth was that even though she was upset about her hair, the reason she was reacting in such a way was because of the stress of the new school year; James just wanted her to be happy.

"How am I going to fix this?", the girl whimpered, looking back at James, Peter, and Remus.

"I might have an idea..", Remus chimed in.

"Oh my days, how did this happen?", Lily gasped, Marlene standing next to the girl, covering her smiling face.

"That doesn't matter! Marlene, I know you're good with hair. Please, I need your help..", Sapphire begged the girl.

"Well, back home, I used to dye my hair a lot and considering.. my mother.", the group all stared at her knowingly. "Yeah, anyways. I've kinda perfected Scourgify so I could clean the dye out of my hair. I didn't tell you guys last year cause it was fun watching you all struggle with the spell during class," Marlene laughed nervously as the group bore looks of disbelief. Although the girl was half blood, her mother was very strict about how the family presented themselves.

"Please Marls, do anything you need to fix this. I mean ANYTHING," Sapphire said.

"Alright, though this may slightly tickle your scalp. But don't worry I'm a pro," Marlene replied before taking out her hand and pointing in towards the girl. "Scourgify!", she chanted. And at that, the girls hair was just as it had been that morning. The quality had almost improved. Sapphire pulled a bunch of her locks to her face to see it. She jumped into Marlene's arms with joy.

"THANK YOU THANK YOU! I LOVE YOU!", She recited her gratitude to the girl. Remus seemed quite the most content. He wasn't one to focus too much on a persons appearance, but that blond on Sapphire was something he could not stand. Peter gave his congratulations and James looked down at her with baby eyes, hoping she wouldn't get angry at who had caused the problem in the first place. He was relieved when the girl just gave him a death glare and turned back around.

"What are you guys up to?" Sirius had finally come back from Hogsmeade.

"Mate, you just missed the greatest event of the year!", James snickered.

"Oh yeah, what's that? Can't beat the Halloween prank I've planned," Sirius said, walking backwards up the stairs towards the boys dormitories. The other boys laughed as they all entered the cluttered room. And all Sapphire could do at that moment was admire the new softness of her hair.

—— a/n——
Idk this chapter wasn't very progressive but I wanted to do something a little cute and fun. Also excuse my shitty grammar holy hell, I have dropped English so what can I say🤷‍♀️. Also euros season, Spain has to win ong, can't wait till football World Cup 2026, biggest Brazil supporter.

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