Chapter 14|: Amortentia

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Days had passed since the revelation of Marlene and Rosier, days spent where Marlene had built up the courage to tell Lily. And of course, the ginger haired girl expressed her support- albeit with a detailed lecture about dating. Things were finally looking up. Friday morning, Sapphire arose, unjustly so as she'd like to imply. She was a girl who needed her beauty sleep. An hour had gone by, the girl showered and had finished getting herself ready for the day. Her friends had already left for breakfast and she knew if she didn't hurry and get to the great hall, there'd be no breakfast left for her.

"Oh Sapphire, my Sapphire, finally come out of her tower?", Marlene swung an arm around the girl. She just ignored her and began to eat. It was quite obvious she was not a morning person most days. That is why her brother and the rest of the marauders loved annoying her during that time.

"Hey Saph, hey Saph, hey Sapphire-", James was interrupted as her hand pushed him away. She continued to eat, attempting t0 act nonchalant, but everyone around her knew that with a little more, she would snap.

"Sapphire, did you know the smiths are disbanding?", and that was what got her. She leaped out of her seat, hands slamming onto the table. Everyone around stared at her while Sirius high fived Peter. (Shhhh, pretend the Smiths were popular in 1975)

"Peter. If you are lying, just know that you can live with being a cripple for the rest of your life.", her piercing gaze overshadowed his pride and he confessed on the spot. Sapphire just sighed with relief and sat back down.

"Class, today we will be learning about amortenia. Now I know many of you must know what that is, I'd like someone to give an explanation. Ah yes, miss Potter.", said professor Slughorn.

"Amortentia, professor, is the most powerful love potion in the world. But it doesn't actually create real love- just a powerful infatuation or obsession. It has a distinctive pearly sheen. What makes it more intriguing is that it smells differently to each person, depending on what attracts them the most- like fresh-cut grass, parchment, or just overall a favourite scent. The effects can be pretty intense, which is why it's so dangerous and unethical to use. It messes with free will, after all."

"Well, that was an excellent explanation miss Potter. Now would you come here and describe to the class what you smell if you're comfortable with it."

"Okay sir, no problem." But there was. She was fearful of what she might smell, but still slowly made her way towards the cauldron. A small whiff of the concoction was all she needed before she had to take a small step back. With a slight cough she stepped forward again, hoping to identify the scents.

"I smell.. coco, citrus too, and... I- I can't say for the last one." In truth, the last scent was the smell of old books. Where do you find old books- in a library; and who do you always find in the library. Remus Lupin. She couldn't do it, being a Gryffindor didn't give her all the courage in the world.

"That's alright, you can sit back down, I'll explain to the class the project we'll be doing for the next month or so." Sapphire could not pay attention all lesson let alone all day after the amortentia. She knew she had once maybe liked Remus, but she left that be, she told herself it wasn't real, just admiration. How could she deal with those feelings. She knew that Remus wouldn't feel the same way- or at least she thought.

"Sapphire! Saph", she heard the harsh tone of Lily next to her as she walked.

"Huh, I'm sorry I was just thinking.."

"Thinking of what? The third scent from the amortentia?", Sapphire stared at her and stopped her slow pace. "Don't even try to deny anything, I can tell when you're hiding something. Who was it you smelt?"

"Nobody, I don't know what you're talking about," she began to walk again at a fastened pace. But just then she saw Remus walking by, fortunately for her, in another direction. Her eyes followed his motions, and Lily's followed her eyes.

"Omg. You're in love with Remus?!" Sapphire was quick to place both her hands over the girls mouth. She looked back to see Remus had left and only then did she retract her hands.

"Ok yes, I may be slightly attracted to him. But I can't act on it, he doesn't like me, never will," she mumbled with her head lowered. Lily grabbed both her shoulders and pressed down before speaking.

"Do you know who you are? You're Sapphire Potter, I don't know a single guy outside of our circle who doesn't want you, and Remus. Well I've seen the way he looks at you, the way he talks about you. He'd be stupid not to like you."

"You're only saying that cause you have to as my friend." Lily sighed and gave her a pat on the back. It was then she decided that she had to get them together no matter how difficult it could be.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22 ⏰

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