Chapter 6|: "It was a night just like this one"

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As Peter, James, Sirius, and Sapphire entered the their common room, lightning was heard outside the castle. Crackles and roars of the wild electric shocks made their way to the timid first years, all scattered around the room, exploring the place. "Gather round my children!" Sirius, rather sarcastically announced as he made his way towards the coach. The other three Marauders followed and all sat as the younger students huddled around.

"Some of you may have met the ghosts that wander Hogwarts. Some of you may not have." The kids looked around and at each other, unknown to where the conversation was to lead. Sapphire spoke up.

"And though you may have just assumed that every ghost in the facility is as admirable as the kind ghosts you met tonight.. you are gravely mistaken, children."

"Yes, in this very tower, in this very room.. a gruesome murder took place exactly 300 years ago." James couldn't help himself and again spoke after seeing the frightened looks on the faces of his underclassmen, "It was a night just like this one. Marianne Decloriene- a transfer student from Beauxbatons was reading in the common room. She had only arrived at Hogwarts four days prior and at the time, many students were upset at the fact that the Headmaster would accept her when she had come from a rival school. One boy in particular did not trust her, believing her to be a spy. During the night she was sat on this very couch I sit on today, reading her book, the boy was said to have snuck behind her and attempted to strangle her. Some say that he did not attempt to take her life, it was merely a warning of some sort, but as she struggled and made it out of his suffocation, Marianne attempted to defend herself through means consisting of using an unforgivable curse. The boy dodged her attack and through sheer anger, he struck her with the killing curse. She dropped to the floors, all life drained from her still body. Now there is speculation as to what had been done to conceal the murder but a fan favourite was that the boy, with the assistance of his fellow Gryffindors, covered her body and tossed it into a spare broom closet to be dealt with in the day. Though as the day came, the students came to find the body missing. And with it was left a message, written in blood, "Lions beware, you have betrayed the bind of loyalty. As that night comes once again, I too will be back." Legend has it that every hundred years, she comes back to reap the souls of Gryffindor students, it has already happened twice, and today will be the third." Sirius and Sapphire sat dumbfounded at the usually mentally scarce boy, they could not believe he was able to fabricate such a story on the spot. But as they turned their heads to meet the eyes of the younger kids, they subconsciously praised the brunette boy. The children's glares were full of terror, not a word from a single one. Staring at Peter, to see why he was so quiet, Sirius had realised, it wasn't just the kids left traumatised.

"Well that is just a legend, nothing to fear." Added Sapphire, "now now, you should all head to bed, it'll be a busy day tomorrow." They older teens grinned devilishly- with the exception of Peter who looked on the verge of passing out.

All of the students had fallen asleep, the clock hit midnight- however, for Sirius, James, and Sapphire, the night was still young.

Sapphire was dressed in an old and tattered school uniform that the trio had scavenged from lost property. Remnants of its former glory were barely visible beneath layers of dust and splatters of dried blood. Despite its old age, the uniform was unmistakably Hogwarts attire, its emblem still faintly discernible. She wore a stark white wig and pale makeup, creating an eerie visage. Black liquid oozed from her eyes and mouth, enhancing her ghostly presence. And with the use of Jame's invisibility cloak, the prank was in motion.

In the girls dormitories she crept, slowing brushing first year girls with a gentle touch as they slept. Like a domino effect they woke, one by one, yet what was there to see? James and Sirius, under the cloak with Sapphire uncovered her figure, while still staying hidden. One girl began to scream, "IT'S HER, ITS MARIANNE!" Leading to a swarm of more screams, girls jumping into each other's beds to feel safe. Suddenly, Lily entered the dorm with her wand firmly placed in her extended hand. As she entered, the brunette boy, hidden with Sirius jumped and tripped over a chest, causing the cloak to dragged off the two boys, and uncovering the prank. Sapphire stared at Lily, but it wasn't her kind friend looking back; It was a monster.

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