🖌️ Searching ✏️

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After finishing my book, I decided it was time to start looking for someone who could bring my words to life through illustrations. I knew that finding the right artist was difficult in making my book stand out and come alive in a way that words alone couldn't achieve. As their artwork will play a significant role in conveying the themes and messages of the book. It is essential to find someone whose style aligns with the tone and genre of the book, as well as someone who is passionate about their craft and open to collaborating with the author.

I reached out to my friends and family, asking if they knew anyone who was skilled at creating artwork. I wanted to see their previous work and get a sense of their style. I was looking for someone who not only had talent but also had a passion for doodling and creating art.

I knew that it was not easy to juggle writing, drawing, and editing pictures all at once. It required a lot of time and effort to perfect both the writing and the illustrations. I didn't want to overwhelm anyone with a full-time commitment, so I made it clear that I was looking for someone who could collaborate on a more relaxed schedule, maybe once a month.

I wanted whoever I worked with to have fun and enjoy the process of creating something together. I saw this as an opportunity to push boundaries and step out of our comfort zones. It was a chance to learn from each other, to grow creatively, and to see where our collaboration could take us.Creativity was key in this partnership, and I made it clear that I was looking for someone who shared the same values and standards. I emphasized that I wanted to keep the content clean and positive, free from any content that could be deemed inappropriate or offensive.As I waited to hear back from potential artists, I was filled with excitement at the thought of bringing my book to life in a whole new way. I couldn't wait to see what kind of magic we could create together through our collaboration.

Just remember those who want to start to be illustrators this is a practice way to help you.

Beyond Words "Two Worlds: Writers meet Illustrators"Where stories live. Discover now