📗The meaning of a writer and illustrator 📚

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It wasn't too long ago that writers had very little say in how their works were illustrated. Many publishers would simply send the writing to an illustrator and let them decide which scenes were best for illustration. Sometimes an editor would pick a few scenes, but ultimately it was the illustrator who had the final say. This was particularly true when it came to illustrating book covers, where most illustrators would base their work off of just the title or a rough description, without even reading the actual writing.

I remember feeling frustrated by this lack of control over how my work was being represented visually.

Fortunately, times have changed. While some publishers still prefer to keep writers and illustrators separate, many now allow for more communication between the two parties. Writers may not get to describe every little detail of how they envision their work being illustrated, but they do have the opportunity to voice their opinion and provide input. This newfound collaboration between writers and illustrators has led to more successful and visually appealing book covers and illustrations.

I have had the pleasure of working with talented illustrators who have brought my words to life in ways I never could have imagined. Through open communication and mutual respect, we have been able to create illustrations that enhance and complement the written word. It is a rewarding experience to see my work interpreted through the eyes of another artist, and I am grateful for the opportunity to be involved in the process.

In today's publishing world, writers are no longer relegated to the sidelines when it comes to illustrating their work. While illustrators are artists in their own right and bring their own unique perspective to the table, the collaboration between writer and illustrator can result in truly stunning and impactful visuals that enhance the reader's experience. I am hopeful that this trend of increased communication and collaboration will continue to grow, allowing for even more dynamic and engaging storytelling in the future.

I am looking for an illustrator who can share their work with me and I will not tell them to change it. I will accept them with open arms.

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