🖍️ Why collaborate? ✒️

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When I set out to write my book. I wanted to find talented illustrators who could capture the dark themes and other tones that I was hoping to portray in my book. However, I quickly realized that finding the right illustrators would not be an easy task. In high school, I was discouraged from exploring darker themes in my art, as they told were deemed inappropriate for a school setting. But when I joined the art club in college, I discovered a group of artists who were unafraid to delve into those darker themes and who excelled at expressing themselves through their work.

I wanted to meet with artists who could bring a unique perspective to my book and help create a visual narrative that would complement my writing. With this goal in mind, I began compiling a list of beginners and more experienced illustrators who were willing to share their work with me.

Through this process, I not only found the illustrators that I needed for my book, but I also discovered a community of artists who were eager to support each other and help one another grow. I realized that by reaching out and seeking help from others, I had not only found the perfect illustrators for my project, but I had also built a network of like-minded individuals who shared their passion for exploring other tones.

In the end, I learned that with a little help and support, we can achieve great things. By working together and sharing our skills and talents, we can create something truly special that not only resonates with us as artists, but also with those who experience our work. And with the right team of illustrators by my side, I am confident that my book will be able to convey the complex themes and tones that I have been striving to capture.

I can't wait to see this through. I hope to meet my illustrator and help others meet theirs too. Let's begin our art journey.

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