🖼️ Artistic playground 📖

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I have tried different forms of illustration, from traditional pen and paper drawings to digital art I am still not not good yet. Each medium offers its own unique set of challenges and rewards, and I believe that as an illustrator, it is important to experiment with different styles and techniques to continue to grow and improve as an artist.

Some of my friends prefer to draw digital art, finding the flexibility and convenience of working on a computer to be more appealing. They enjoy the ability to easily edit and manipulate their artwork, adding layers and effects to create stunning pieces. Others, like myself, prefer the simplicity and tactile experience of drawing on paper. There is something special about the feel of pen or pencil on paper, creating a more organic and personal connection to the art.

One of the most important things I have learned as an illustrator is the importance of trying different types of illustration. Some of my friends are incredibly talented at drawing people in realism, capturing emotions and expressions with ease. However, when it comes to drawing animals, objects, or landscapes, they struggle. I have found that by pushing myself out of my comfort zone and trying new subjects, my skills as an illustrator have grown exponentially.

Just like a writer who explores different genres and styles of writing, an illustrator should experiment with different types of illustration. If you only stick to one style, you will never challenge yourself to grow and evolve as an artist. By trying different techniques and subjects, you will discover new strengths and weaknesses, pushing yourself to become a more versatile and skilled illustrator.

In conclusion, whether you prefer to draw digital art or traditional illustrations on paper, the most important thing is to continue to challenge yourself and try new things. As an illustrator, it is important to push yourself out of your comfort zone and experiment with different styles and subjects. By doing so, you will not only improve your skills but also discover new passions and interests within the world of illustration. So, pick up a pen, a tablet, or whatever medium inspires you, and start drawing - you never know what amazing creations you will come up with.

I prefer to draw doodles because it is easier but it is hard to draw flowers.

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