Nothing will make you draw your blade faster than the feeling of a serpent slithering up your leg while you're sleeping. The snake's blood oozed down the tip of my dagger between my legs. Its head now angrily hissing even with my dagger piercing its skull. The serpent's cry woke the others. Some jumped to see if any were near them while others just rolled awake.
From the looks of it, I'm the only one who got some decent sleep. They may be strong Mafia men, but some of them have let themselves live in luxury for a little too long. Lucas doesn't look fazed. I guess he got some sleep, too. He's not king for no reason.
Teedo stretches and walks over to me. "You gonna eat that?" He nods his head toward the snake.
"Are you serious?" I nearly gag.
"What? Is he your friend or something?" I roll my eyes and point my knife at him. The serpent fights, wiggling and twisting on the end trying to escape.
"Here." He kills it, then uses my knife to make it as his breakfast. I don't think we have time to have a snake on a stick, but saying something to Teedo would be foolish. Some take out their snacks while the boss kills a snake close to him and starts his own breakfast. I take a sip of water. Well, if if I have to wait around, I mine as well try snake as gross as it sounds. They're everywhere now that it's morning, and the lake beast has returned.
Cooking it was simple. I just had to follow what Teedo and Lucas did. The taste, however, wasn't worth it. What could I expect from a creature that swims in a lake of corpes. We ignored it and finished. Can't waste food on Death Road.Lucas made it clear it was time to get going, so we all got into the same position as yesterday. Only we were a little more smelly. A little more irritated and a heck of a lot more alert.
There wasn't anyone we passed so far as the lake came in view. Meaning either they didn't survive or they decided to walk back the way they came, which I doubt would have happened. Nobody said anything, but I'm sure they noticed.This was a good group to be in for tonight. Everyone had a weapon. Lucas seems to understand we needed to be prepared because he was slower than yesterday. There were still thirsty looks in the eyes of the soldiers that didn't know better. They looked at the lake with need. But seeing Lucas not go near it made them stay away. Follow the leader. Teedo heald the back of the line, making sure they didn't screw anything up.
I hated being next to Lucas. I felt like I was still being reminded of that night. My mind was all over the place with this heat. Everyone was still avoiding me, and I think Lucas liked it that way. I'm being isolated, apart of his twisted punishment. It's probably just me overthinking.
A car comes by, and I could hear gasps of hope and disappointment as it drives past. "What did you expect?" I hear Teedo scold some of the men from behind me. "They don't know us."
"Even if they did, they wouldn't stop." Lucas chimes in.
I hear "why's?" And "what do you mean?" From behind me.
"If any of my men are walking this road, I expect them to finish it." He states. If someone had an opinion, they kept it to themselves. "I won't send you out here for you to wave a ride back."
Lucas was in lecture mode now about being strong and blah blah blah. I closed everything he said out and was in my own head for a while. We were stuck on this road by whoever was genius or stupid enough to mess with the bosses cars. That person could be waiting for us at the end of this road when we're hungry and exhausted. I wonder if anyone here has thought about that. Derek probably ordered it since he's the one we're chasing at the moment.
I was still stuck in my brain going through all the possibilities when someone from behind pushed me. "Huh? What was that for?"
I look back at Joey, who still isn't talking to me. He only points ahead. We saw some torn clothes, dried blood, and discarded weapons. They were all silent. The lake water was dark and still but not a body in sight. So nobody survived after all. The thirsty look left everyone's face, and we kept walking. Lucas kept the same pace. The weapons weren't worth taking. We all have our own. Plus, Mafia grave robbing doesn't look too good.
As the sun fell behind the trees, we knew what was coming. We kept walking, knowing night would be here soon. The fight ahead left us antsy and alert. It was so silent as if the lake was listening. I forgot this feeling. I pushed it in the back of my mind along with my other nightmares. There are only twelve of us. Can we last?
The sun begins to set, and I'm the first to draw my sword. The rest follows. The lake stirs, but nothing comes as we keep moving forward. Always move ahead. Don't stay still. Those are the main rules of this lake. The mist comes from the lake spreading through the grass. I forgot about this. We keep going, though we watch we keep going. The lake ripples more. It's rising. That squid jellyfish, whatever evolved form caused by pollution, begins to rise. From the noise, it seems that a couple here are witnessing it for the first time. The rest are ready as its legs rip out of the water and start to attack. That acid-like ink juice that squirts out I also forgot, and it catches my ankle. We have to keep our pace, though, so we run and slice. The beast called its other creatures out of the water as well, and they come at us. This time isn't like the last.
My group is stronger, as I am. Teedo made sure of that. The smaller creatures are not pesky this time. They're easy while dodging the giant tentacle-like legs in the air. The others seem to not be as bothered as well. When it rises fully, it shows no remorse as it shoots its acid. Teedo has sliced three legs. I know because he counts out loud like it's a game. Something we'll be playing all night. We run and slice, and I can see some of Lucas men smiling. This is a game. I scoffed as I kept moving forward.
This game lasts most of the night. The beast retreated earlier than last time due to legs that needed to grow back. Some out of breath soldiers cheered while I wiped my blade. I wish it was as easy as it was last time. Lucas saw me shaking my head in annoyance. I'm sure he read my mind because he smiled smugly.We keep our weapons drawn just in case until the sun rises. Yet we keep walking. The petrified faces on a couple of the soldiers, bringing me my joy to the morning.
How Things Are
AventureAfter Tibbys brother died training her to be free she fights to live. She and her best friend Winwrey disguised themselves as men to keep themselves from becoming slaves. However, they can only keep each other safe for so long. They travel to find t...