chapter six

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you sat on a bench, listening to the rushing water of the small river behind you, your eyes fixated on the pavement, watching ants stroll by, occasionally looking up to smile at strangers who walked or jogged by. the park was peaceful, gorgeous, a lovely place. but you had been here for almost three hours now, and there was absolutely no sign of seungmin.

no text.

no call

no nothing.

you were alone. your friends at the beach, seungmin likely at home doing god knows what. you felt empty. wondering how you could make so many mistakes in such a short amount of time.

four months. four months is all it takes to ruin years of friendship.

you didn't even know where to go from here. sure you could go back to your dorm, and hide until everyone got back from vacation. but the thought of going back there alone made you feel sick.

sure you could go home to your mother, but you would feel ashamed. she would ask what had happened with the beach trip, and you couldn't even think well enough to come up with an excuse.

no where felt right. you were hoping seungmin would have showed, and that way you wouldn't have to worry about where to go. but that didn't happen, and you found yourself calling an uber to take you back to your dorm. at least there, no one will question you. most of the students had gone away for the break, so the dorm would be empty. you'd have peace and quiet. plenty of time to think on the last four months.

"have you seen a girl about... this tall? she's um... probably wearing something super lazy... maybe looks sad?" a familiar, yet foreign voice fills your ears. you hadn't even realized how little justice a phone call does to someone's voice until it's been four months since you'd heard it in person. you could have sworn you started seeing stars when you lift your gaze up to see that the voice was in fact seungmin's.

"seungmin?" you call out, his head turning towards you instantly. he bows politely to the stranger before running over to you.

"oh thank god, you're still here." he gasps, pulling you into a hug without warning. you freeze, his scent filling your nose, and his arms wrapping tightly around you. it took you a good couple of seconds before you hugged him back, but seungmin didn't let go, only waiting for you to do it.

"you came..." you whisper, pulling back but not letting him go completely. it felt as if you had to keep a hold on him to make sure that he was really there, fearing that if you let go, you might lose him.

"of course i came." he responds, eyes dancing over your expression, taking in your features. it had been so long since he'd seen you this close.

"i thought you hated me..." you frown, burying your face in his chest.

"i could never hate you." he responds without hesitation.

"seungmin... i've been an awful friend." your words muffled against the fabric of his shirt.

"you've been busy. you know i understand." he reassures you. of course he was never mad at you, even when you cancelled his welcome home party and the party store wouldn't let him return any of the stuff he bought, so he was out a couple hundred bucks. he would still never be mad at you. he just couldn't do it.

"i just... i didn't realize how much i needed you. everything is... fantastic here... but every now and then i just get this feeling..."

"if i had to guess, i'd say you're homesick." he chuckles. "it's been a while since you've slept in your bed."

"it's not that..." you shake your head. "it's you. so... if i'm homesick... then you're my home." the words felt cheesy as they left your lips, but you couldn't think of a better way to word your feelings. the way you felt a wave of relief and calm wash over you the moment you laid eyes on him. it was a feeling you hadn't felt in so long. sure you had tons of fun at school with friends, but you were never really relaxed. and you never really noticed until recently.

"that's an adorable way of saying you missed me." he smiles, pushing a lock of hair behind your ear.

"i really did. i missed you so much."

"i missed you more." your gazes were locked onto one another, and it was as if anything around the two of you didn't matter anymore. and before you knew it, you leaned in, pressing your lips firmly against his. seungmin wasn't shocked in the slightest, if you hadn't leaned in first, he would have done it himself. the feelings you had for one another weren't going anywhere, and as your lips moved against his, you knew that you loved him. and he loved you.

"i love you." you voice your thoughts as your lips part. happiness flooding your bodies as you gazed into one another eyes.

"i love you too." he replies, breaking your gaze for only a moment to see that it was starting to get dark out. "we should probably go somewhere... where do you want to go?" he asks.

"anywhere is fine, as long as i'm with you." you tell him, smiling warmly. seungmin couldn't help but chuckle, trying to hide the fact that his ears were burning bright red from your words.

"alright..." he trails off, thinking for a moment. "i'll take you home." he concludes.

"sounds perfect to me."

brown // kim seungmin ✔️Where stories live. Discover now