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"I'll see you later, okay?" In that smile, the woman waved goodnight to her co worker. Walking out of that single office, only to be met with the one man she had ran into all too softly.

"I-I'm sorry—"

"Ming." It was his voice that filled her ears. Being met with her boss who she hadn't known was her boss himself until the man had walked her to her car one random night. Relieving the woman from those meetings she had never been so thankful for him handling.

"A-Are you going home?" Her voice was so soft. Looking up at the man with those eyes completely round, only to make the man grin down at her.

"Not yet, I just have to finish looking over a few papers." She could've sworn ones demeanor had never felt that heavy. Making her always falter when around the one man who would always. Always intimidate her.

"I-I can help if you'd like—"

"I'm fine, Ming. You have a good night—"

"But, Taehyung—" Her hand was already placed on his wrist. Stopping the man from leaving her as he looked down at the one woman who was so gentle. Too gentle.

"You helped me the other night, so, please, let me help you—"

"I didn't do that to get something in return, Ming—"

"N-No, I know, I just—"

"Join me for dinner, huh? It's been a long time since I've had dinner with someone." He cut her off. Able to see that silent faltering of her gaze upon his request, as her heart instantly pounded. Seeing as though the man was intimidating. So, so intimidating.

"O-Okay." She didn't want to be rude. Didn't want to seem like she was thinking of them going to dinner as something inappropriate. Wanting to simply enjoy a meal with the girl who had no clue how attracted he was to her.

"Just give me a few minutes. You can sit in my office if you'd like." He kept those hands within the pockets of his slacks. Earning that nod so gentle from the girl as she followed him. Checking that time as she did so, in which she sat in one of those chairs lingering within his office itself.

"Is there a place you like to eat?" He spoke over to the girl. Going through those papers as she looked at him. Watching as he went back and forth from that work to his computer, only to let out that breath so quiet underneath his words.

"Anywhere really. I try to go to different places. . ." She didn't realize how timid she sounded. Holding that tone all too nervous, only to earn that grin so heavy from the one man who only let out that deep okay, before collecting his things. Making the girl simply peer up at him before following the man out.

"There's a place nearby if you don't mind walking." He met her eyes. Earning that nod from the girl who he took to that single place to eat so small. Just barely filled with those people too immersed in their own conversations.

And with that jerk of the head towards the worker, the man found them a seat. Giving the woman no more than that smile the second she met his eyes.

"I-I didn't know this place was even here. It's so close." She giggled at the man. The same man who watched her look around, all while he grinned underneath her words. Gesturing for that alcohol the lady brought all too quickly, in which he looked over at Ming herself.

"Do you drink?" He already had that glass in front of her. Able to see that hesitation instantly paint her face as she looked down at that alcohol itself.

"N-Not that often, but I don't mind it." Her voice was so soft. Being given that glass she so gently took hold of, in which the man poured her that shot. All while he poured himself his own. Instantly letting the thing hit the back of his throat, only to make the woman before him giggle underneath some of it slipping from his lip down to his chin.

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