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With those fingers brushing through her child's hair, the woman stayed sat on the side of his bed. Feeling that ache in her heart she never thought could be that heavy. Heavy enough to have the woman enduring upon guilt she'd feel so often when looking at her child himself. Resembling everything the woman created. Created with a person so far from the one she had always envisioned creating such life with in her mind.

And she felt it hit her the second she stepped inside of her home. Felt it the second she could do so much as give in to the one person she had felt the want to never leave the side of again. Barely able to part ways from the man who she had longed for in ways completely silent. Providing the woman with something she would never find anywhere else.

"Are you going to come to bed?" It was her husband's voice that had the woman flinching. Causing her to instantly look back, only to see the man standing in their son's doorway with that hair completely damp. Having given him that single nod before planting a kiss all too gentle to her child's head, in which she got to her feet. Meeting eyes with the one man who she could feel that presence of. A presence that was all too heavy as he shut the door closed behind their frames.

"What kept you so long at work?"

"I needed to catch up—"

"We were gone for one weekend—"

"And I left work early the day we left—"

"How much could you possibly have to catch up on? Huh?" And that laughter was already ringing through her ears. Making the woman look at him with that gaze completely blank, only to feel a tightening in her throat he would never. Never evoke from the girl.

Yet that silence from the woman was enough to make the man instantly try to dismiss what he said. Having went to grab her wrist with that playful calling of her name, despite the woman stepping back just enough to cause that instant shift to occur upon his expression.


"I don't want you touching me—"


"No. All you do is belittle me, Jiseok—"

"I was just playing with you, baby. Relax." However, the woman had indulged upon a feeling that had her so captive. Unable to sit there and go back and forth with the man, even if she felt how strong his hold was on her wrist the second she went to go into the bathroom. Causing her to meet his eyes in that manner she had when first ever meeting the man.


"Am I not allowed to joke around with own fucking wife—"

"This has never been just a joke to you, Jiseok—"


"Why is it now that you care so much? Why is it now that you're always keeping track of me—"

"Because you dont fucking talk, Miju. We've been together almost 10 years and I barely know fucking anything about you." And he would get just as angry as her. Remembering how easily she'd defer those questions about her personal life when the two would talk. Never allowing herself to engage with the man in ways that'd make her feel. Feel completely vulnerable.

"I've not kept anything from you, Jiseok. You know I don't have family like that—"

"Do I, Miju? Huh? Do I know that you have no family? I don't even know if you've ever fucking dated before me." She hated the sound of his laughter. Holding not a single ounce of amusement behind it, even if his words were enough to have her instantly picturing the man who she had just slept with. Who had her indulging in a part of herself she hadn't enjoyed in so long. Longing for a feeling the man before her would never in his life be able to provide.

Goodbye - Jimin [18+]Where stories live. Discover now