Chapter 3.5-Sarah's Flashbacks

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My dad looked down on me, then whipped me again. 'I TOLD YOU, MAKE SURE HE BLEEDS! MAKE SURE YOUR "BOYFRIEND" BLEEDS!' 'Bu..but dad..I..I don't want to k!ll him....' 'YOU USELESS FUCKING CHILD!'

I woke up in a sweat, crying, as my dad pushed himself into the room.

'You fucking useless child. Go and hit him, abus3 him, NOW! Or you're NOT EATING FOR ANOTHER MONTH!' '' he had grabbed me by my collar at this point. 'And remember-' he whispered angrily into my ear. '-don't break your act.' He dropped me and I landed on the floor with a thud. He slammed the door. I got myself cleaned up and practiced my acting, then started driving to where I knew Sam was.

((A/N: I'm too lazy, so yeah, it's part of *ehem* why Sarah is doing this. Also this short cuz it's a flashback sooo....bye.))

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