Chapter 5- The Helper

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"Everything you've ever wanted is on the other side of fear."

- George Addair


Something was bugging him.

He hasn't been happy.

His eyes are dull.

It's not the light n' bright sky blue I saw them before.

They are dulled, more grey than colour.

I wish I could help, or knew what the problem was.

I wish I could help wipe away the tears he cries every night.

But he never reveals his pain.

I wish I knew what the taller man's pain was.

He looks at me, then her with helplessness.

It feels like he is keeping something from me.

Everyone says not to interfere.

He knows Sarah.

I know he does.

I see the way he looks at her.

He knows something about her I don't.

I don't think Sarah is a bad person.

Maybe Colby knows that.

Maybe Colby wants to help her. 

I can't tell.

What am I even doing anyways.

I'm ranting on, wasting pen ink on information on a page, in a book no one would ever read.

Poor Sarah.

I wish I could help her.

I can see pain beyond those covers. 

She's being forced. 

My assumption, anyway.

It's still not right.

What she does to me.

Nothing. Is ever. Right.

But I need to help.

I ask everyone not to hurt her, but




-Sam Golbach (June 2nd, 2018)

Ps: If anyone sees this, help me find out if she's ok. 

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