Chapter 6: The Journal

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"It is often the small steps, not the giant leaps, that bring about the most lasting change."

 — Queen Elizabeth II


I know he would find the journal sooner or later, but...I didn't expect this soon.

I had found it missing this morning. And I had seen it on his bedside table.

He knows I caught onto him. He keeps saying "it's nothing". But he knows I know it's not "Nothing". He knows I'm going to dig deeper anyways. 

He knows how much I want to say Sarah isn't the bad guy.

I need to show him he can trust me.

I don't think he will.

He will probably find this again.

So I need to hide it.

Maybe I should sneak to her house.

Maybe I could hide and find out what has been happening.

Or maybe I'm wrong and she is a jerk.

Or am I right?

This is just too hard for me.

I can't handle it.

Maybe I just need to talk to Colby.

Or Sarah.

Or both.

Or none.

People are panicking.

I'm not.

Well, not for their reason.

I miss Mom.

And Dad.

And little Ben.

And Big Alison.

I wish I could see them again.

But I'm too busy.

Too busy with my situation.

Maybe I need a break.

A vacation.

Or maybe to explore.

I heard Colby likes exploring.

Maybe we could explore together?

I don't know.

This writing stuff down is helping me.

Maybe I should continue.

Maybe I will.

There is this abandoned place I wanted to go to.

Maybe we can go together.

Me and Colby.


It will be fun.

Just time to ask him.

-Sam Golbach (June 3rd, 2018)

Ps: He said yes. We are going tommorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2024 ⏰

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