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Snow was falling in Seoul while the girls and I rehearsed like crazy.

Finally, the paparazzi were gone, and we could go back to our normal routine.

I watched Vernon rehearsing with Seventeen from across the room.

He was so beautiful, and I felt incredibly lucky to have him by my side.

Jihyo, our attentive leader, shouted, "Concentrate, Dahyun! This part is the hardest!"

I focused on the choreography again, trying to execute the movements with precision and synchronization.

Despite the pressure, I had fun.

Dancing was my passion, and the energy of the group infected me.

After a few hours of intense rehearsal, we finally finished.

We were exhausted but pleased with our progress.

"Great work, girls!", Jihyo said, with a proud smile. "Tomorrow we're going to rock the show!"

We hugged in a big group, celebrating our achievement.

I felt part of something bigger, a team united by a common dream.

Vernon approached, with a charming smile on his face. “You were amazing today, Dahyun,” he said, giving me a kiss on the forehead.

I blushed, feeling my heart beat faster. "Thanks, Vernon," I replied, with a shy smile. "You were great too."

We walked out of the studio together, hand in hand.

Snow was falling around us, creating a magical and romantic setting.

At that moment, I felt complete. 

I had everything I needed: the music, the dancing, Vernon's love and the support of my friends.

The future was uncertain, but I was ready to face it alongside the people I loved.

Arriving at my apartment, I took off my sweaty clothes and took a relaxing shower.

The hot water soothed my tired muscles and left me feeling peaceful and well-being.

As I dried off, I looked at my reflection in the mirror.

My face was flushed and my damp hair stuck to my forehead.

I smiled to myself, feeling beautiful and happy.

I got out of the shower and threw myself on the bed, looking at the ceiling. 

A spontaneous smile formed on my lips.

Everything was going well.

The next day's show was a guaranteed success, the paparazzi were finally gone, and I was in the arms of the man I loved.

Vernon came out of the shower right behind me and approached the bed. "Smells good," he said, hugging me and smelling my neck.

"I always smell good", I replied, joking with him.

I got up from his lap and sat at the dresser, picking up the hairdryer.

I turned on the device and started drying my hair, thinking about the next day.

"What are you doing tonight?" I asked Vernon, who was lying in bed, watching me.

"I was thinking about ordering Chinese food," he replied. "And you?"

“I love Chinese food!” I exclaimed. "Then let's order!"

As I dried my hair, we talked about our plans for the evening.

Invincible Hearts ❤️❄️ VERHYUN - COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now