A Field Trip Gone Awry

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The bus ride to Vision One Enterprises seemed to be taking forever, but luckily, none of the kids or the Mane 6 seemed to notice the Pippsqueaks or the Buddies in the back of the bus, bored out of their minds. "Dudes, are we there YET?" Mudbud asked his siblings and new friends in a quiet voice. "We've literally been riding forever!"

"I'm not exactly sure where exactly the shuttle is gonna be launching from," Seashell admitted, "but I'm sure we can't be too far away."

"Do you think we'll be able to get a view of the rocket from up close?" Glory asked. "I'd love to get a photo for Dad!"

"We'll just have to wait and see, Glory," Buddha told the pegasus filly. "Good things come to those who wait, after all."

"Hey, everypony! Great news!" Pipp announced from further up the bus. "I think we're heeeeeeeeeeeere, WAH!!"

This caused the other kids and ponies to cheer in excitement, and as the bus pulled into a stop on the curb, the teacher sneezed and climbed down the stairs to get in front of the kids. "Okay, people, off the bus," she said to the kids. "Don't forget your lunch... AHH!!!"

The kids began to get out of the bus so fast, they climbed all over her (except for the Mane 6 of course), and they were able to stop right before Dr. Finkel, who stood at the entrance to wait for them. "Okay, stop right here, kids. Welcome to Vision Enterprises. Everyone in. Don't touch anything."

"Come on, you guys!" Izzy giggled excitedly. "Let's go go go!"

"For once, I agree with Izzy," Hitch told the other ponies, smiling. "We can't miss a real-life shuttle launch!"

However, as the Mane 6 and the kids filed behind Dr. Finkel and headed into the building, the Buddies and Pippsqueaks got out of their hiding places and began to get off the bus to go after them. "We don't wanna miss the launch!" Buddha said as he got off the bus and walked all over the teacher, who was still on the ground. "This way!"

"Excuse me!" Peach Fizz called out as she followed Buddha off the bus but walked around the teacher. "Coming through!"

"Wait for me!" Seashell shouted after her friends, and once all the Buddies and the three fillies were off the bus, they darted through the doors to catch up with the tour group.


The Mane 6 were currently still following their human friends behind Dr. Finkel, who seemed to detest children in all forms imaginable. "Again, please refrain from touching anything with your hands, you slimy, little, germ-ridden creatures."

"Hmph! Rude!" Pipp scoffed as the group was eventually brought to a stop. "Our goal here, at Vision Enterprises, for some reason," Dr. Finkel explained, "is to make space travel accessible for everyone, including the family pet."

As he was saying this, Sam looked over and spotted an unusual device nearby, and his interest grew just enough to where he went to explore it. "Hey... Sam!" Sunny whispered. "Where are you going?"

"Come on... we better follow him," Zipp whispered to Sunny as they followed Sam over to the device while the rest of the group was distracted. At the same time, the Buddies and Pippsqueaks followed after the group before darting into hiding nearby. "Let's hide over here, dudes," Mudbud whispered, only for Seashell to shush the pup. "Quiet! They'll hear us!"

At the same time, Sam put down his backpack and stepped onto the device, which began to scan his body in order to fit him for a spacesuit of his very own. "Scanning... human boy."

"Wow... this is awesome!" Sam whispered to himself before a blue spacesuit came out of the closet nearby. "No way..." Zipp whispered, her eyes immediately going wide. "This technology really is advanced!"

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