The Word Gets Out

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The last few hours had been a whirlwind of emotions and confusion.

The mission control team in charge of the Vision One had discovered the Mane 6, the Buddies, the Pippsqueaks, Spudnick and Night Star onboard the shuttle and walking on the moon, and with the help of Pi's ferret Gravity, the space cadets were able to get back onboard the ship in time for lunar lift-off, so they could get back home in one piece.

However, Dr. Finkle, upon hearing Pi say that the entire thing was supposed to be kept confidential, went straight to the press in order to ruin the mission altogether and bring Vision Enterprises down.

But no one knew about this deception... not even the mission control team themselves.

But it wouldn't be long before they found out for themselves.


Sam was eating cereal before school that morning, and the TV was broadcasting the local news when a story was brought to his attention. "We're live at Vision Enterprises where quite a tale is unfolding. It seems that five golden retriever puppies and their Equestrian companions have been accidentally launched into space."

Sam immediately dropped his spoon upon hearing this. "Mom?!" he called and rushed to get her so she could see this for herself.


Bartleby was watching the same news station when the story came up. "What...?" he muttered in confusion as the reporter continued. "Along with a bull terrier and an unknown unicorn, they are going where no dog has gone before."


But it wasn't just in Fernfield where news was being spread-- news was being spread like wildfire across China, Mexico, England... pretty much in places all over the world.


Later, during their lunch break at school, Sam, Bartleby, Pete, Billy and Alice gathered around Alice's laptop to watch the news story that was online about their pups and friends being in space. "It is believed the pups and their Equestrian friends rendezvoused with the Russian dogmonaut and the unicorn with him at the long-thought destroyed Russian Research Space Station. They made history by being the first animals to walk on the moon."

"Wow..." Sam said, not believing what he was seeing. One thing was for certain-- after school, the kids had to get to Vision Enterprises in order to talk to the crew and see what they were gonna do to get the Buddies and their friends home.


Meanwhile, Sasha and his mother, in Russia, were watching television when the news story about the space cadets came into topic, and upon hearing something about the Russian Research Space Station, Sasha gasped and looked at his mother, excited beyond words. "Spudnick!"

He actually couldn't believe it... his dog was alive! And he was going to be coming home!


As reporters from all different areas crowded around the outside of Vision Enterprises, Bill Wolfson and Dr. Finkle watched this, the latter smirking to himself while Bill just looked confused and stunned all at once. "You know, I have no idea how these guys could have gotten a hold of this."

"Hackers, these days," Dr. Finkle quickly dismissed. "Probably got into the system and jacked our video feed. It's very off-putting."

And somehow, Bill seemed to believe this... for now, anyway.


"Come on, guys!"

Sam, Billy, Bartleby, Pete and Alice rushed toward the entrance to Vision Enterprises, having been dropped off by their parents a few minutes beforehand.

Their mission? Find a way to get in there and find out what these guys were doing to get their dogs and friends back safe and sound.

However, before they could find a way to get inside, the security guard stood in their path. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. And where do you think you're going?"

"We're here," said Sam boldly, "to talk about our pups and friends that you guys shot into space."

"Absolutely no one gets through," the security guard stated, but somehow... Sam got another idea. "Then we'll go talk to the newsman instead."

"Uh... hang on a second!" the security guard called to the kids before speaking into his radio. "Dr. Finkle? I have a bunch of kids here that claim the alleged puppies and Equestrians in space are their dogs and friends. I thought you'd like to know."

There was a brief moment of silence until Dr. Finkle spoke again. "Send them in."

"Yes, sir," the security guard nodded before turning back to the kids. "Dr. Finkle would like to have a word with you. Follow me!"

And just like that, the kids ran after him to go meet up with Dr. Finkle.


Within a few short minutes, Dr. Finkle and Carl brought the five kids into the main control room. "Excuse me, Pi," said Dr. Finkle modestly with a smirk. "I'd like to introduce you to the children whose lives you've ruined by launching their puppies and their little pony friends up into space. As you can imagine, they're quite traumatized."

However, the kids weren't traumatized at all-- in fact, Sam smiled and shook Pi's free hand. "Pi, wow, it's an honor to meet you, sir. Buddha and I are your hugest fans. I'm sure he's thrilled to be on your ship."

"Thank you," Pi smiled before looking down at the ferret he was holding. "This is Gravity, my assistant."

Gravity squeaked a hello, and Pi turned to the kids in question once again. "Kids, uh, be assured that, um, we're doing everything in our power to bring your puppies home safely."

"Uh, hey, guys," Slats greeted them with a smile. "I'm Slats. I'm the flight dynamics officer. That's, uh, FIDO for short. Oh, and over there, that's Astro. She actually is the pilot of the Vision One. How cool is that, huh?"

"I'm Sam. My pup is Buddha," Sam introduced before introducing the rest of his friends. "That's Pete. His bro is Mudbud. Bartelby's fella is Butterball, Billy's home pup is B-Dawg, and Alice's BFF is Rosebud."

Alice smiled and waved just before Pi turned to Slats with an idea as to how the kids could remain occupied for now. "Slats, why don't you get them up to speed on the current plan?"

"Um, yeah. Oh, yeah, guys, come on over here. Check this out. Very cool," Slats took the group of kids over to one of the monitors. "OK, well, all the vital stats are on the big board as we call it. The ETA is tomorrow morning at 1100 hours. That's 11:00am."

However, while Slats was showing the kids the programs that the team was using, Dr. Finkle inserted his USB key into the computer and began to change the course of the flight, much to his own delight. "This ought to ensure this is a one-way trip."

However, Sam, letting his curiosity get the better of him, peeked over at Dr. Finkle as he was just finishing changing the flight course. "Dr. Fecal?"

"Yes?" Dr. Finkle answered, a bit startled. "Uh, I mean, it's Finkel. Dr. Finkel. Yes, what is it?"

"What are you doing?" Sam asked curiously. "I'm not doing anything," Dr. Finkle said, ensuring that the flight course was changed as he spoke. "You shouldn't concern yourself. You're just a child. Excuse me. Carl."

But, as Dr. Finkle walked away with Carl at his heels, Sam couldn't help but feel that something was about to go horribly wrong... and that the Buddies and their pony friends were going to be in more danger than they already were at the time.

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