A Happy Purchase

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Carla was determined to buy this place work or no work needed done. She was up against developers who wanted it for next to nothing. We knew going in what we needed to get it from them. We walked away with a place that needed work on most of the outer buildings. She was told all the furnishings came with it and even the advertisement said it, so when they tried to sell the furnishings she put an end to it immediately. You can't argue with the auction ads because it was clearly printed in several of the auctions ads and in different websites and newspapers. Someone showed their newspaper ads and there it was physically and they had to concede and stop selling the furniture and then give back the money for the two pieces that were sold already. They gave us the deed to the place and we made sure it was as listed like in the newspapers.

We get the deed and I look over everything and there should be more deeds than the one they handed to me. There should be four like the ads say. The auction was for everything listed in the auction and I insisted on getting everything that I bought. I called my attorney and put him on the phone with the auction agent who was trying again to pull something. He pulled the other three deeds from his briefcase. George Abernathy is jaws in a designer suit. One phone call to him was enough to get liars to become honest. I guess camouflage  to these guys  means that they can get away with things and we won't notice. You would think they would show more respect to us as a group. Then he did keep calling me sweetheart and saying I was mistaken after he spoke to George he pulled out the other three deeds. I gave the elderly couple the items they wanted after verifying they were who they said they were and they were. They left happily with their parents china and silverware that they were told would be given to them before the auction and the auction agent refused to give it to them even though he was told to.

Sarah Blevins
I was in tears when they refused to let us have the china and the silverware. I was thrilled that the buyer handed it to us, well they carried it to our car for us. Sam was very upset but we could do nothing about it. The auction agent even tried to keep three of the deeds and the buyer caught him in the act. I told her my situation and she verified I was who I said I was and she gave us the items we were promised. He even tried to sell the furnishings that went with the properties. She stopped that sale immediately.

Thomas Blevins
This guy soon got a bed reputation after he got caught with his hand in the cookie jars. We were fortunate that the buyer gave us the china and silverware and even helped carry it to our car. The Steele's were very kind to us. They were adhering to the agreement that was made prior to the auction. Which shows what kind of people they are, plus they made sure the thief auction agent followed the newspapers ads. I think he was afraid of all four of them. They were wearing some kind of camouflage outfits and looked ready for combat of some sort. Something tells me not to ask questions about the outfits and if they are in the service. As we got on the road I saw a car that could be for a diplomat.

Bob Sanders
I frown as I have to refund money for the furniture that sold before the winners of the property stopped me. Then I handed them only one of the four deeds to the properties. They looked it over and demanded the deeds to the other properties. They showed the newspaper ads and someone else got their big fat nose into. Then they put their attorney on the phone and he was going make sure I was exposed to world and have Kate Kavanagh do an in-depth report on me in particular. I immediately handed them the other deeds and ended the auction. I was going to try selling the boats but they were part of the deal as well. The David Blevins knew what the place was sold for and he was picking up the check for his parents and he told me that it had better not be less than the amount he showed me. He to,d me he knew what the fee was and the amount he wrote down was the correct one.

David Blevins
Mom and dad told me about Mr Sanders and his horrible reputation of being a thief. So I offered to deal with him legally if he didn't give them exactly the amount minus his fee at 10% which is more than enough for what little the guy did. He had the check ready and the correct amount. I then called Miss Kavanagh to give her a story.

Kate Kavanagh
I have been wanting to get someone to give me some information on Bob Sanders and I have him now. Now I can talk to people who have had bad dealings with him to back up the others stories. He tries to rip off everyone he has dealings with. Bob won't answer his phone if he knows it is me calling.

I can't believe someone called Kate the bloodhound on me. How dare them do that. She has implied there has been some auction agents who were forgetful about what was supposed to be sold and what wasn't and they seemed to sell more than they were supposed to. Then rather than give buyers all their deeds they kept three hoping the buyers would not realize they were supposed to get four deeds. Then he was selling off furniture that was included in the purchases deeds.

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