Chapter Twenty Eight : Catch Me

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Chapter Twenty Eight

That night, Michael and I had cupcakes and pizza for dinner. We stayed at his house after returning from coffee and relaxed on the couch for the whole night. I didn't realize I had fallen asleep on the couch with him until waking up the next morning cocooned in his strong arms.

I craned my neck back, trying to get a better view of the angel I could call my own. He looked so peaceful in his sleep, but his stress also showed through even more. I could easily see the deep purple circles staining beneath his eyes from lack of sleep, as well as the creases and lines from furrowing his brow and frowning. I gently rubbed the pad of my thumb over a worry line, but accidentally woke him up.

"Good morning, baby." He sighed, his morning voice scratchy and groggy, but perhaps the sexiest thing I had ever heard.

Wait. Did I really just call my childhood best friend sexy?

Yes. Yes, I did.

I smiled up at him, leaving a light kiss along his jawline. "Good morning. Your appointment is today."    

He nodded. "I know. We need to get up and get ready." Although Mikey's words were of ambition to get dressed, his actions contradicted him greatly. He wrapped his arms around my waist tighter and pulled me in closer to him. "But I really don't want to leave this position..."

I laughed as he whispered in my ear, tickling my neck slightly. Truth be told, I wasn't particularly excited to go to a doctor's appointment with my boyfriend that had caused him this much anguish. If it were to just be a checkup or perhaps a physical examination, I wouldn't care quite as much. But of course, it wasn't and the fact that this appointment scared him so much scared me as well.

"Oh, shit..." I whispered under my breath, realizing that my parents didn't know where I was all night.   


I scrambled out of his embrace, feeling the cold air nip at my now exposed arms. "I didn't tell my parents anything! They're going to flip shit."

Michael sat up behind me and began rubbing my forearms, both calming me and getting rid of the goosebumps that had now risen up. "Calm down, Em. I texted your dad from your phone after you fell asleep. He didn't respond, but it delivered so don't worry about it."

"What did you tell them?"

"You spent the night with Quinn." He smugly smiled, and I laughed and gently hit him on his chest.    

"Whatever, let's go."

I stood off the couch and began walking past him to the stairs. However, as I passed, he cheekily smacked my butt, making me jump. I heard him snicker behind me in delight and I simply shook my head at my Michael.

My Michael. I could get used to that.

I heard him grunt as he stood off the couch, most likely struggling with his long legs. He followed behind me and I could feel his hand near the small of my back as we ascended the staircase. It felt nice, knowing that he would catch me if I were to fall.

Although, I think I've already begun to fall, and I pray to God that he catches me in the end.

A/N: yayayayayayayay double update I'm queen

actually thats beyonce but whatever :)

so hey go follow my twitter at EmmaReedTurner

and hey follow this really cool chic at ilostmikeys too she's pretty chill

until we meet again

xx - Emma Reed

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