one || welcome home

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summer break
monday 2:34 pm

     "I can't wait for you to move to Silver Falls, y/n. I haven't seen you in forever.", my best friend since we were little, Alex, said over facetime. And he's right. I haven't seen any of the Walter's in months, that's close enough to forever. And it's crazy to think, in just a couple days, I'll be living with them.

     You're probably wondering, why are you moving in with the Walter's? Did something happen to you? Well, nobody died if that's what you mean. But, I don't fit in with the New York crowd. I love the place don't get me wrong. But, it's just not that same.

     Ever since I was a little girl, I've talked about living in Silver Falls. Every time we came to visit, I just fell more in love with the place. Yeah maybe my opinion was swayed because of the Walter's, but really, it feels like home. And New York should have felt like that but it didn't. So, when I voiced this to my best friend last time I visited, he made sure that he talked to his parents about me moving in. His idea. Of course, I had to talk to mine too. But eventually, we got everyone to agree and I had a ticket to Colorado.

     "Me too Alex. I really miss you guys.", I answered the boy back while I taped up a box of clothes I just packed into a box. One of the only clothing items I didn't pack away was my Silver Falls sweatshirt that I got during the famous fall festival. Everyone got matching ones. "We miss you too. Everyone's been talking about you, even Isaac." I roll my eyes at the name. Isaac, the boy I've "hated" for years. I don't actually hate him. He just always finds a way to irritate me. I miss how close we used to be. But it's different now.

     "Isaac?", I question with a laugh. If anyone knows how much we fight, it's Alex. He's my bestfriend who also happens to live with him. "Who's that?", I hear a different voice this time. It definitely isn't Alex's. I stop what I'm doing and look up at the screen to search for the voice's owner. "Is that y/n?", it's Lee. He's standing in the bedroom's doorway, to the side of my phone screen.

     "Yeah, it's her.", my best friend answers the boy with the messy hair. He nods, "Hey Lee", it's my turn to talk to him. "Hey, I'll be right back", he says almost instantly before a smirk appears on his face and he runs away.

     "Where's he going?", I ask Alex. I get a shrug in response before he yells, "Where are you going?", loud enough for Lee to hear. We're both waiting for an answer. "To get Isaac!", he yells back even louder. What? Why's he going to get him? Doesn't everyone know we hate each other? They should by now.

     "No! Don't do that!", the dark haired boy almost falls over as he goes to stand up. He's acting weird. Maybe he just doesn't want us to argue? But, he usually finds it funny. I'm confused. The look on his face isn't helping either. Why doesn't he look panicked?

     "I have to go. Lees being crazy, like usual.", he says with a forced laugh. He's not wrong, Lee is always crazy. But, it's something else. I know he knows I can tell something's up. But, before I can say anything he ends the call leaving me questioning, what just happened?

monday 5:12 pm

"Hey mom, how often will you and dad come visit? Katherine said you guys can come anytime.", I'm sitting on the couch with my mom who but her book down to turn and look at me. "Honey, we'll come visit whenever. We plan to visit at least once every month. But, if you ever want us to come, you let us know. Don't get in your head, you'll be fine, that family loves you so much. The boys adore you too. We all know that.", she says the last part with the cringiest wink. It almost looked painful. I tried to hide my smile but, once she started laughing I started laughing too.

"No but really, Katherine and I have been plotting on you and Isaac for years.", she quickly says while she picks up her book to hide her face. Isaac, really? "Mommm ughh", I groan causing her to laugh behind her book. "I'm serious! It's the cutest thing when you guys get into your little arguments.", she says before abandoning her book and scrolling through her camera roll for something.

"Have you ever seen this picture?", my mom flips her phone around to reveal a picture of me with the Walter kids, my best friends. It's a cute picture. We were little, sweating probably from a busy day on the farm, with ice cream in our hands. "No", I smile still looking at the picture. "Look at this.", my mom says as she points to the corner of the photo. A little Isaac was throwing a handful of ice cream from his ice cream cone on little me, who already had vanilla ice cream all in her hair. I roll my eyes, this time with a slight smile. She's trying to prove her point from earlier. But really, that's just one of the times Isaac has tortured me over the years.

Later that night, I went to sleep thinking about someone I never thought I would. It's not that I wanted to think about Isaac, but how could I not? He seemed to pop up in so many of my conversations. And, I'm going to be living with him soon. But, is he thinking about me like I'm thinking about him?


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