seven || not interested

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back to school
monday 3:30 pm

     Finally, the first day of school is out. As soon as the bell rings, kids run out of class and start filling the halls. I was walking out with Grace and Skylar, some friends that I had in my last period. And, people I've known for most of my life.

     The three of us stop at a wall close to our lockers just talking, we had already gotten our bags. It was nice to talk to people aren't Alex — as much as I love him.

     "Hey y/n, so how was our first day?", Kiley says coming out of nowhere. "It's was good.", I said with a nod. She nods back. "So nothing special happen today?", she smirks as the four of us start walking out of school.

     "No not really.", I say truthfully. But of course, none of them believed me. I earned one of those 'you're joking right?', looks from each of them.

      "You're telling me, you live with the Walters, and nothing happened with them today. We know that's not true. You're like the luckiest girl in the whole school y/n!", Grace says with pure interest like my life is some sort of reality tv show.

     I roll my eyes, they're just boys. "I just don't get why everyone's so obsessed with them.", I answer.

     "Why wouldn't they be? There's Danny with the actory- brooding thing going on. There's Alex the bookish shy guy. Nathan, the musician. Lee, the edgy skater. Cole, every girls dream. And then there's Isaac, the cool dude.", Grace lists them all off. I can't help but want to say she's wrong about Cole though. He's definitely not my type. But, she left Isaac for last. She sees something in him.

     "I don't get it. What's so special about him?", It doesn't take her long to figure out which boy I'm talking about.

     "Okay, everyone's obsessed with Isaac. All the guys want to be friends with him, they think he's cool or whatever. And all the girls love him. Especially cheerleaders, they all beg him for rides home as soon as 3:30 hits.", Grace continues.

     Shoot, 3:30, I check my watch. It's 3:32. I'm freaking out. Hopefully they didn't drive off yet. "I have to go.", I say to my friends before almost sprinting out of the school doors.

     "You came with Isaac?!", Kiley yells to me. "Yeah", I answer while I'm still running. Seriously, I have to get to the car before they leave without me.

     As soon as I'm outside, the blue car flies past me. "Guys wait!", I yell hoping they would hear and care enough to turn around. Who am I kidding? Why would they? I glare at the car while watching it drive off.

     "I'm sure they just forgot.", Kiley says as she walks out of the door. "They always get out really quick after class.", I appreciate her making trying to make excuses for them. But, I know they didn't forget.

     I angrily take out my phone before sending an angry text to Alex. The text read, "seriously? you couldn't have waited another two minutes?", I could feel all the anger in me as I pushed down roughly on the send button.

     "Aw, y/n it's okay I'll give you a ride.", Grace speaks as her and Skylar make it out the door. "Okay, thank you.", in that moment, I've never been more grateful.

     She invites Kiley to come too. But, she has work. So, we go our opposite ways. "Walter's wait for no one.", Skylar jokes from beside me. It's just the three of us. "Yeah", Grace agrees. I don't say anything, I just laugh. I honestly should have expected this. The boys will do anything to make my life slightly more miserable. That's just how they've always been.

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