two || touchy subject

43 2 3

summer break
thursday 11:03 am

I'm here. I'm actually here. Well, technically I'm not at the Walter's house yet but I'm at the airport, and I'm kind of freaking out — in a good way. Luckily, I took a nap on the airplane so that I have energy for the crazy house I'm about to go home to.

"Y/n!", I can point that voice out anywhere. I quickly turn around, luggage in hand and almost run towards Katherine and George, two of my favorite people.

Once I reach them I can't contain my excitement, "I missed you guys so much", I say as I hug the both of them. I'm not surprised my mom fell in love with these two years ago. "We missed you too.", Katherine voices as she looks down at me with a loving look. "A ton kiddo", George throws in as he places a rough hand on my shoulder. These two mean so much to me. I can't wait for the rest of summer with them.

thursday 11:16 am

"Things haven't changed much.", the red haired women looked up at me through the little mirror at the front of the car. I nodded as I looked out the window into the country, "I hoped they wouldn't. I love everything just the way it is.", I say truthfully. There's absolutely nothing I'd change about Silver Falls — or the house. Not even a certain dark haired boy.

thursday 11:41 am

Now, I'm back at my favorite place. I feel instant relief as we drive down the long gravel driveway. Everything comes into view, trees, the barn, the familiar yellow house. It's like I'm in a movie only, I know once I step inside, all hell will break loose. That's when you wanna shut the cameras off. The Walter's are definitely awake. But really, that's what's so special about it all. I don't have siblings but with them, I don't need any.

"You coming?", Katherine leans her head back into the car, breaking me away from my thoughts. Once reality hits again I smile, "Yeah, I'm coming.", I quickly open the car door and push myself out.

"Oh my gosh, y/n!", Parker is the first one to see me. Without hesitation she comes bolting straight to me to give me a hug. "Parker, my favorite", I laugh while bending down to give her a hug. I don't mind the fresh dirt stains on her clothes — most likely rubbing into mine.

While I'm catching up with Parker, someone catches my eye. He came around the corner when I saw him. "Danny, hey", he smiles at me immediately. He's always been so sweet. We've been keeping in touch lately so he knew I was coming today. "Y/n, I'm glad your here to stay this time.", he opened his arms for a hug. I quickly hugged him back.

"Is that — y/n?", I heard my best friend's voice behind me. "ALEX!", I immediately turn around and run towards the boy who's already running towards me. When we meet, he picks me up off the ground and spins me. "There's my favorite crap talker.", I laugh at the nickname — he talks even more crap than me.

"You look like you're in love or something. It's weird.", a grossed out sounding voice catches our attention, Alex puts me down. I cringe at what was said. Of course, it's Isaac. I can't imagine it being anyone else. Wait, why does he look kinda good? "Seriously dude?", Alex speaks up from beside me. Thankfully, that knocked me back to my senses and I'm disgusted by what I just thought.

"I wasn't about to watch you give her one of those big movie kisses in the front yard. Why would you even wanna kiss her?", the boy wearing the oversized t-shirt jokes as he looks me up and down. Except, I don't find it very funny. Before I can step in, Alex does first. "You act like you haven't been asking about her this whole week. When's y/n coming? Wait, are you on the phone with y/n?", Alex does his best impression to sound like Isaac, I'm caught off guard. He's been asking about me? Isaac of all people has been asking about me?

"Wow, you act like you hate me all the time too.", I cross my arms as I give the boy on the porch a challenging look. "It's not an act, y/n", he copies my, giving me my look back.

We stay like that for a little — challenging each other. It's what we do. What we've always done. Although, I could have swore his face lifted into a small smile at one point. But, it was erased to fast if it was even ever there, I really couldn't tell.

"Yo guys, you're already silently killing each other?", Cole's famous voice spoke as he came up and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. I turned towards the blond with a smile. "He's so annoyinggg", I dragged out the word as I rolled my eyes. "Yeah says you!", Isaac yells with fake offense laced in his words. "See what I mean?", I looked at the older boy who just looked between us and laughed. "He missed you, that's all.", Cole says as he smirks up to the boy on the porch. I don't have to turn around to know his face is full of disgust at his brothers words. So is mine.

"Hey boys, will you go get y/n's bags?" Katherine came out of the house where the three of us stood — Alex ran off somewhere earlier. "Yeah", "Yeah", the two boys said in unison before Isaac jumped off the porch and the two walked off to the car. "Thank you", I spoke to her gratefully, earning a smile back

As the boys were walking off, I heard Cole say my name to his younger brother. I didn't hear anything else. But man, I wish I would have. Because right as he finished saying what he was saying, Isaac's face turned bright red. I'm always looking for stuff to make fun of him for. That could of been it.


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