six || everybody talks

78 2 4

back to school
monday 8:21 am

We're here, we're actually here. My breath hitches as we pull into the school parking lot. I've been here a number of times for plays, sports, and all that kind of stuff. But obviously, it's different now.

"Hey, guys, we got a full car today so that means, Isaac, no offering rides to random cheerleaders.", Cole says making something in my stomach drop. Seriously, cheerleaders? He always makes fun of me because I'm a cheerleader. At least I was at my old school, I don't know anymore.

I think Alex read my mind because he looked at me as soon as Cole said that. We both know the crap Isaac gave me for cheering.

"Okay!", he says making me roll my eyes. I would of expected him to at least deny it or something. But no.

I followed Nathan out of the car as soon as he stepped out the door. I had to get out, even if I was only away from Isaac for a few seconds. I'm not mad, just confused. And I hate being confused. Especially, when it's about someone I've known for years. That has some weight to it.

"You ready y/n?", Danny asks with a hand gripping the shoulder strap of his backpack. I shrug, "I don't know.", he could definitely since my hesitation.

"We'll show you where your class is.", Nathan jumps in pointing at him and Danny. I felt instant relief. At least I have them. Oh and Alex, wherever he's at.

"Yeah we can't have you getting lost on your first day.", Danny complimented what the shorter boy just said. "Okay", I say with a smile before walking in with those too. Alex, not far behind.

As we were walking, we saw Erin run up to Cole. She's one of the people I do know. And I don't like her, at all. "They're still a thing?", I question looking towards the three boys at my sides.

"Yeah sadly. You aren't the only one who feels a certain way about her though", Alex answers with big eyes. I nod, remembering the last time I was around her.

I was throwing the football with Cole and Parker when she showed up in the Walter's driveway one day and accused him of cheating on her. Weird thing is, they weren't even dating. It broke out into a huge fight. So, obviously, she got mad when he took my side and stormed out of the driveway leaving dark tire marks — marks that Cole had to fill.

monday 8:27 am

"Thank you guys. I owe you.", I say turning to Danny and Nathan, they walked me to class. Although, Alex and I have the same first hour and he made it very clear that he could have just walked me.

"Yeah no problem.", "Of course, is Alex walking you to class next hour? He seems eager.", Danny said with a slight laugh. I could almost sense my bestfriend's eye roll from beside me.

"Yeah, him or Kiley.", I hugged my books close to me. A satisfied Alex nodded from beside me. He won't let it go if I don't let him walk me.

"Okay, see ya.", "Yeah, bye y/n.", I waved by to the two Walter boys before turning to the one that stayed.

"We should go get our spots.", I pointed towards the classroom that various students were flooding into. He didn't answer before rushing into the classroom. One thing about Alex, he'll complain if he doesn't get what he wants. A good spot in our class isn't the exception.

monday 8:30 am

"Everybody settle down, take your seats.", the bell just rung so our teacher comes to the front of the class. "It seems we have a new student in class. Y/n, can you stand up and tell us something about yourself?", he asks causing me to freeze.

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