Chapter 44: Charge

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Bertholdt: She's back.

Reiner: Good.

Pulling out a knife, Reiner jumped off the tree branch and slit his palm open. The blood didn't have a chance to fly before Reiner was struck by lightning. Out of the steam came the hulking form of the Armored Titan. Bertholdt flew down and landed on Reiner's shoulder. By the time the 104th reached the forest edge, Reiner was too far out for them to grapple onto him.

Mikasa: Oh no.

Armin: They're getting away with Y/n!

Hannes: Hey! If you don't want 'em to get away, then get on your damn horses!

A thunderous wave of clapping hooves rumbled through the forest as one of Hannes' men came barreling through after gathering up everyone's horses. Meanwhile, Erwin's group had just spotted Reiner running away. Making a split-second decision, Erwin came up with an idea so crazy you'd have to be insane to think it would work.

Erwin: Let the Titans chase you! All squads, follow my lead!

MP: Do what? Erwin you conniving bastard! You're using us as bait again?!

Erwin: It's the only way. You've fought well as MPs, now give your all as soldiers!

As Erwin led the combined might of the scouts and the MPs, the 104th trailed behind Reiner.

Jean: Reiner's too slow. We've got him!

Mikasa: This time I won't hesitate. I'll kill them without a thought and if Ymir gets in the way, I'll cut her down too.

Armin and Jean looked at Mikasa in surprise. They'd only seen her this serious a handful of times and even then, her determination was never this ferocious. She would stop at nothing to make sure Y/n was returned safely.

-Reiner's group-

Ymir pulled Krista out of her mouth, causing the girl to cough violently. She stared at Ymir, unsure of what to think. As if sensing her indecisiveness, Ymir came out from her nape to talk. 

Ymir: I'm sorry for eating you. 

Krista: What's going on? We came to rescue you and Y/n. 

Ymir: Things have changed. I've sided with Reiner and Bertholdt. There's no future inside the walls. That's why I decided you're coming with us. 

Krista: What?

Ymir: Life outside isn't as bad as you think. No one will say it's better if you hadn't been born.

Krista: What did they say to you?

Ymir: What does that have to do with anything?

Krista: Everything! How could you just betray us like that Ymir? We trusted you to have our backs!

Ymir: You think I don't?! Get off your high horse. When it comes down to it, I'm just doing what I have to to survive.

Krista: They threatened you didn't they? Yeah, that's it. Nothing could've made you switch sides.

Bertholdt: Krista, she came with us of her own free will. We didn't make her do anything.

Krista: Why should I believe you?

Ymir: It's the truth. I chose to side with them because I wanted to.

Krista: Why?!

Ymir: Because I stole something from one of their friends a long time ago. I'm going with them so I can give it back. It wasn't mine to begin with. The truth is I'm older than I seem. I was turned into a mindless Titan when I was about your age 60 years ago. I roamed this land for a long time until I found them. I killed their comrade and stole his Titan power. If I have to play dirty to survive, then that's what I'm going to do. It's pathetic but at the end of the day, I'm doing this for me, not you. 

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