The morning of

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Fourth woke up. He looked over at his boyfriend. He just stared at him for a little while. He really liked to admire his beauty. Fourth couldn't believe that Gemini was actually his.
But, what about the whole P'Jane thing. I hope she doesn't hurt Gemini or me.
I tried to get my mind off the whole thing, but I couldn't. I got up and I thought I could be nice if I fix my boyfriend breakfast. But, first I want to shower.

—— Fourth showering——- 🧼

Once fourth got out of the shower. He met eyes with his boyfriend.

Oh you're awake, my gem.

Yes. Why did you leave me. I was so comfortable.

I'm sorry, gem. I wanted to surprise you with breakfast but, I wanted to freshen myself up first.

Gemini walked close to Fourth cupped his chin hard. Fourth winced in pain.

"G-gem y-your h-hurting m-me,"whined, Fourth.

"Sorry,"my baby fourth.

Fourth ran out of the bathroom as fast as he could. He thought that Gemini would stop him, but he didn't, surprisingly.

Fourth called his friend Satang to come pick him up.

Calling Satang—

Satang: Sawadee Fourth
Fourth: Sawadee Satang.
Satang: What's up man?
Fourth: I wanted to talk to you about something.
Satang: do you want to meet up or talk over the phone.
Fourth: if we could meet up that would be great.
Satang: okay, sounds good. Where at though?
Fourth: how about a bar.
Satang: okay. I'll be at the one off 7th street. I think it's called Far's Bar.
fourth: okay, I'm see you soon.
Satang: see you soon, bye for now.
Fourth: bye for now.

~ call ended ~

Fourth called a cab to take him over to Far's bar. And on his way over there, he couldn't stop thinking about, what has gotten into him. Why would be aggressive all on a sudden. What if he ends up be like that all the time? Fourth did it realize but his hands were shaking. He was sacred. He loved Gemini but he didn't like that fact that he was aggressive.

The cab 🚕 finally made it to Far's bar. Fourth handed  the driver a 10 dollar bill and rushed inside and there was Satang waiting on me to show.

I rushed to him and bowed with my praised, that's the way of saying hello in my culture.

I'm sorry, Satang. I tried to hurry.

No you're fine, Fourth. I actually haven't been here too long anyways.

So, fourth. What did Gemini do that you want to talk about?

Fourth: well, I got up out of bed. I wanted to fix him breakfast but first I wanted to freshen up so I took a shower. When I got out of the shower. He standing  in the bathroom waiting for me. I didn't think of it, I figured he missed me, since I got out of bed.
Well, he did say. "Why did you leave, I was so comfortable"
Then I told him I was going to fix breakfast but I wanted to shower.
That's when he cupped my chin hard. I told him hey it hurts, and all he said was "sorry". I then ran out of the house and called you, and now we're here.

Satang: Wait, so why were you at Gemini's place in the first place?

Fourth: well, we kinda fucked

Satang: wait what! Omg! That's amazing. Did you enjoy it?

Fourth: yes, it was the best thing ever, it was like I was on cloud 9.

Satang: okay, I think that's enough details to gross me out.

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