Paternity test

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Fourth rose up from the bed, he gazed over and saw a beautiful angel right of his eyes. He loved Gemini so much. He hopes the kid is his, so he can marry him. Fourth hasn't told anyone about the marry part he kept all that on the low key because, he didn't know how him and Gemini would end up. but, how things are going, things might even up better than ever.

Pov: fourth
I looked over at my phone to check the time because my appointment at the pregnancy clinic is at 2:00pm today and it's only 12:00. So I got some time to kill.

I gradually got up out of bed and went to the bathroom to take a shower, because as I want too. I would too to stay and admire the beauty in front of my eyes. But, I want to prove to him before I lose him for good that this child is his and that I only want him and not mark.

—————Fourth Showering—🧼

Fourth walked out the bathroom with just a towel around his waist he was dripping wet.

Sleepy head in bed finally woke up. His eyes widened on what he saw in front of his eyes. He wasn't expecting to see Fourth half naked in front of him.

Gem spoke up, u-uhhh f-fott.

F- Gem, what is it?

G- u-umm t-towel.

Fourth smirked he realized what Gemini was talking about. He started to walk closer to him.

G- f-fot, what are you doing? 

F- is this what's driving you crazy, he grabbed Gemini's hand put it on his abs.

Gemini gulped.

He finally made it to reality he grabbed his back and pushed fourth away and hurried downstairs.

Fourth looked as Gemini ran away, he whispered to himself "cute"

Not much longer, Fourth was coming downstairs. This look was even driving him more crazy than ever.

G- hey, fourth. I thought you were pregnant? I didn't see any bump when you had a towel around your waist?

F- oh really? Hmm.

G- don't tell me, you were lying.

F- well, I wouldn't lie about that. But, I did take a pregnancy test. But, it was one of those cheap ones from the dollar stores. So, it could have been false. I'm still going to go to the appointment today.

G- omg, I can't believe it. So your telling you took a cheap pregnancy that may or may not be true? Why didn't you just go start to the clinic it's free. Then we wouldn't be having this conversation right not.

F- seriously you're getting mad at me. I was so confused at the time and sacred at the moment. I remember waking up throwing up after having sec with mark and that's what made me think I was pregnant.

G- Well, I understand. I would be sacred too. but, you should have called me or something.

F- really call you?? So you could get mad and yell at me. Like that would help me feel better anymore.

G- f-fott you know I love you know matter what happens right. I know I know I yelled at you and wasn't nice. But I was hurt, but I shouldn't have raised my voice at you. Because you're probably stressed and hurting yourself. I'm sorry.

F- you still love me? (Sobbed)

G/ of course, how could I stop?

F- fuck why do you have to be so damn sweet. You're making me weak to my knees.

G- well, you're going to wait until tonight. I'll make you feel extra good tonight.

F- g-gem.

G- f-fott

F- g-gem. I'm leaving for my appointment. I'll be back later okay.

G- okay, f-fot.

——- Fourth arrived at the pregnancy clinic——-

Desk lady- hello, what's your name?

F- my name is fourth Nattwatt. I'm here for a paternity testing and can I get a pregnancy test too, my appointment is at 2:00.

Desk lady- yes sir, you can and I got you checked in.

F- thank you so much, ma'am.

Fourth sat down, everyone was staring and whispering under their breath while looking at him. He wanted to run and cry.

Finally, he got called back.

So, fourth. Who was the partner or whom you had a sex with last?

I'm dating him, I was drunk and I accidentally had sex with him. It was mistake. Me and my boyfriend were split up at the time.

Nurse- have you and your actual partner had sex before?

F- yes many times

Nurse- have you've thrown up after any of those times?

F- no

Nurse- well, since you said you were drunk. Could that explain why you threw up?

F- it could. I just never took concern to think of it that way.

Nurse- okay. Well, I'm going get the tests ready for you.

F- thank you ma'am

Nurse- which do you prefer pee in a cup or blood drawn?

F- which one comes back faster ?

Nurse- well, they both take about the same time.

F- oh okay, I have my blood drawn.

Nurse- okay, handle type. I'll be back.

Nurse- well, since you said you were drunk and you threw up. Before we do a paternity test. Let's see if this comes back positive, if does then will got from there but if not. You know, how that will go. Anyways, are you ready for the blood drawn?

F- okay, thank you. That's seems to the smart way to do it. So, how long does it take to get the results back?

Nurse- about 2 days.

F- okay awesome. So, today is Monday so Wednesday, I should know my results?

Nurse- yes, sir.

———- fourth getting his blood drawn—- 🩸💉

Nurse- all done. Also, what's a good number to call you, when I get to results back?

F- umm, ******6758

Nurse- awesome, thank you so much, Mr. Nattawatt.

F- I'll give you call soon, good luck with everyone. I work everything works out best for you.

Nurse- thank you ma'am.

Fourth rushed out the office and hurried and lined Gemini.

G- hey, what's up?
F- well, I got the test taken?
G- which one?
F- pregnancy test
G- okay, is it positive or negative?
F- I wonder know until Wednesday.
G- oh okay and the paternity test?
F- oh, my nurse thought it was best that I waited for the test with my pregnancy to come back before I got a paternity test. Becuase since I was drunk when I had accidentally had sex with Mark.
G- wait, you didn't tell me you were drunk.
F- what difference would it make if I did? You were already pissed at me already.
G- well, that's true. So, are you coming home?
F- yeah.
G- well, I'll see you when you get here.

Thank you my loves, Addie 🫶🏻💕

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