𝗦𝗶𝘅. Kang ha is so dead

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Six . Kang ha is so dead

Sure, here's a longer and improved version of your story:


I sighed as I sank into the couch at this insufferable party. It had been boring from the moment I walked in, and I still couldn't fathom why I let He-ra drag me here. I could be blissfully asleep right now, but no, instead I'm surrounded by a cacophony of shrill laughter and people screaming in my ear every damn second. Frustration bubbled up inside me as I set my untouched drink on the glass table and stood up, desperate for an escape.

Stepping outside, I inhaled deeply, savoring the fresh air after being stuck in that stuffy room that reeked of alcohol, cigarettes, and sweat. With a sigh of relief, I rummaged through my Chanel handbag, retrieving a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. I lit up one of the cancer sticks, the first puff sending a wave of relaxation through me as smoke curled from my pinkish lips.

A sudden presence behind me made me jump. I turned to see Woojin, his expression a mix of concern and disapproval. "Gosh, Woo, you scared me," I said, trying to steady my racing heart.

"What did I tell you about smoking? I don't want you getting sick," he scolded, plucking the cigarette from my fingers and tossing it into the pool.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Why do you care so much, pretty boy?" I teased, using the nickname that never failed to make him blush. Sure enough, his cheeks turned a faint pink, and I couldn't help but chuckle at his flustered state.

" You vape, woo why can't I hit cigarette" I said loudly as the music inside got even louder than usually. he glanced at me up and down looking at all my features. I sighed and scoffed at him. " You just love me so much huh! " I said as I walked closer to him and poked at his chest.

He looked at me in the eyes not breaking eye contact with me I gulped at his stare, " hmm, I do pretty girl" making me shiver under his stare and made me feel tiny as an ant.

I blushwd as I felt him cup the side of my face with his cold hands. He whispered " what's up with the silent treatment huh? " He said I've been giving him the silent treatment ever since we almost kissed. I've noticed him starting at me and giving me glances ever since the party.

I pulled him away and gave him a kiss on the cheek. " Are you happy now woojin" I looked at him and his flustered face and walked away leaving him dumbfounded.

I walked back into the house, immediately sensing a shift in the atmosphere. The noise level had escalated to a chaotic roar. Curious and slightly apprehensive, I pushed my way through the throng of people, only to be met with a scene that made my jaw drop.

There, in the center of the chaos, was Jaei, locked in a passionate kiss with Kang Ha right in front of her ex, Ri-an. The sight was shocking enough, but the look on Ri-an's face was downright terrifying. His eyes were fixed on the couple with a glare that could melt steel.

"What is Kang Ha thinking?" I wondered aloud, my mind racing. He had to know this would provoke Ri-an. Was he deliberately trying to stir up trouble?

My thoughts were interrupted by a sudden, violent movement. Ri-an, unable to contain his fury, lunged forward and punched Kang Ha square in the face. The crowd around them gasped and recoiled, the party atmosphere dissolving into utter pandemonium.

I stood frozen, my heart pounding as I watched the unfolding drama. This school year was going to be anything but ordinary. With the rivalry between Ri-an and Kang Ha now out in the open, it promised to be a tumultuous time filled with conflict and, undoubtedly, more shocking moments like this one. The tension in the air was palpable, and I couldn't shake the feeling that this was just the beginning of a long and dramatic saga.

Everyone just stood there, whispering and buzzing about how crazy Kang Ha was for kissing Ri-an's girl. The scandal had everyone gossiping, but I found myself more concerned with Ri-an’s feelings. He must have felt blindsided and betrayed. Jae-i had dumped him so suddenly, and now she was locking lips with the scholarship kid in front of everyone. I could see the sadness and confusion in his eyes.

Determined to get some answers, I walked up and stood next to Ri-an. As I did, Kang Ha glanced my way, his expression unreadable. "Okay, can you explain why and how you have the guts to stir up drama on the first week of school?" I asked, my voice cutting through the murmur of the crowd.

Kang Ha didn't reply. Instead, he tightened his grip on Jae-i's wrist and pulled her away from us, disappearing into the sea of shocked faces. I sighed, running my hands through my hair, feeling the weight of the situation pressing down on me.

Turning to Ri-an, I saw the jealousy and sadness etched into his features. It pained me to see him like this, so vulnerable and hurt. I patted his back gently. "You should go home, Ri-an," I said softly.

He looked at me, his eyes brimming with a mix of emotions, and nodded. "Yeah, I think you're right," he muttered, his voice heavy with resignation.

As Ri-an made his way through the crowd, I couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for him. This whole situation was a mess, and I had a feeling it was just the tip of the iceberg. I watched as he disappeared into the night, the crowd still buzzing with excitement and gossip.

Feeling overwhelmed, I decided to find a quieter spot to gather my thoughts. I navigated through the throngs of partygoers, eventually finding a small, secluded corner in the backyard. The air was cooler here, and the distant sounds of laughter and chatter were muted, offering a brief respite from the chaos inside.

As I pondered over the night's events, Woojin appeared, concern etched on his face. "Hey, you okay?" he asked, sitting down next to me.

I sighed, feeling the weight of everything. "I don't know, Woo. This whole thing is just... a lot. I feel bad for Ri-an, but I also can't shake the feeling that there's more to this story."

Woojin nodded, his expression thoughtful. "Yeah, it does seem pretty complicated. But, hey, we'll get through it. Just stick together, okay?"

I smiled faintly, appreciating his support. "Yeah, you're right. Thanks, Woo."

As the night wore on, the party gradually wound down. The once vibrant and chaotic atmosphere dulled into a tired hum. People began to leave, their excited whispers fading into the night. I stood up, feeling a bit more composed, and headed back inside to find He-ra.

Spotting her near the entrance, I waved her over. "Hey, let's get out of here," I said.

She nodded in agreement, linking her arm with mine. "Yeah, let's go. This night has been crazy enough."

As we walked out together, I couldn't help but wonder what the rest of the school year would bring. The drama had already started, and it showed no signs of stopping. But with friends like He-ra and Woojin by my side, I felt ready to face whatever came next.



Guys this is probably the longest chapter I wrote so I hope you enjoy it cause !!!

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