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Layla corrina gilmore-hayden

Younger sister or Lorelai leigh gilmore by 2 minutes

Very close relationship with family

Growing up layla was favorited by her grandparents and everyone knew it

Grew up around rich families when not with her mom

In her senior year of highschool her and her sister got in a major fight and stopped talking

Rory was supposed to go to harvard and Layla to yale

Then both the girls went to yale and had to share a room with her old best friend

The girls couldn't agree on anything

If her grandparents didn't like a person neither did she

Logan Huntzberger

Loved layla since she was seven

Avoided rory after realizing he truly did love her and she had a boyfriend

Took a chance when he could

Would do anything for her

has a horrible relationship with his parents but they love layla just not enough to let her in 

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