Out with Coworkers

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Robin is turning off his computer and getting up. Puts away his headphones

As Friday ends, Robin finishes his final review comments on a notebook. He sends off the notebook to the author and is done with his own so be begins to close up his workstation for the week. He takes off his headphones and hangs them up on a hook next to his computer. Then, he takes out a wipe and wipes down his desk and computer. He finally turns off his computer. He looks at the time. It's exactly closing time. He looks over to Marian who is still hard at work on her project. "How much longer until you are finished?"

Marian is clearly stressed. She still has all of her stuff out around her desk. She grabs one of the piles of papers, looks at it and sets it back down and then grabs a different pile of a papers. She is reading through it frantically. She is trying to finish her work, but she isn't ready to leave yet. 
"I just need 20 more minutes. I can meet up with all of you later."

Robin looks at the clock and doesn't want to keep everyone waiting so he starts towards the main entrance. "Alright. Sounds good." He is about to leave when he stops himself. He torn. Should he help his office mate out with her last project so she could join the group earlier, or should he leave her to deal with the consequences of her waiting to do work until the last minute? Robin knows that this type of behavior is typical Marian. People are always waiting on her feedback to finish their work. Robin decides that since other people are waiting, he should leave Marian and go on to join the group. "You know, if you didn't mess around all week you could get more of your work done."

Marian looks offended at this. She already feels bad about being late and Robin's snarky comment is not going to help her in any way. "Mess around? Not all of us can just put on our headphones and disappear. I do my best work when my mind and body are ready." Robin replies before he can stop himself, "you do your best work on a Friday afternoon when you have drinks waiting for you."

Marian looks like Robin just shot her in the heart. She shakes her hand at Robin and says, "Hey, procrastinators are people too." Robin looks at her with pity in his eyes. He begins to offer to stay and help when he gets cut off by Marian. "Just order an appetizer and I will be there in time for the main course." She then looks back at her computer screen and under her breath mumbles...why aren't you working?!  She then looks back at Robin and finishes her line of thought,  "I only need to be there to get the check anyway."

Robin is about to close the door when he tells her, "I am going to order two appetizers since you are both late and you are paying." With this, he walks out the door and heads down to the main entrance of Blahco to meet up with the rest of the coworkers.

Robin is striding down the stairs when he meets up with his friend. Graham. Graham meets up with Robin and they continue on to the main door. Graham is telling Robin all about the date that he has set up for tonight after the dinner with their coworkers. Graham is listing all the things that make this girl hot. By the time the two get to the bottom of the stairs they have caught up with Kris, their supervisor and Darrin. Graham doesn't know either of these two people well so he stops talking about his date when they catch up with them. 

Darrin is office mates with Aurora. And he explains that Aurora went to change into an outfit she had in her car that was not her work clothes. The four of them wait for about two minutes until Aurora strolls in with a new outfit. She manages to look even more amazing. Kris greets her as she walks back in and compliments her cute outfit. Aurora asks if they have been waiting long, to which the group replies no. That Robin just arrived a couple minutes earlier. Aurora seems to relax when she realizes the group hasn't been waiting for her.

 Kris then asks, "where is Marian?" Robin tells everyone that she is finishing up reports and that she instructed everyone to go ahead without her. Aurora then offers to go help her finish up the reports when Kris stops her. "Don't you dare! That woman needs to get her shit in order." Kris looks around after she just swore at work to make sure her boss didn't hear it. Then they all proceed to leave to walk over to Fatty Catty, a restaurant in a shopping center next to Blahco.

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