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Marian is at home still in a bad mood. She cannot believe Kris sent her home. She is buried in a blanket and watching an anime with lots of violence. She wants to tell someone about Liam. She can't tell Robin and she can't tell Theo. Her best bet for getting sympathy is from Kris, but she also doesn't want Kris to see her differently. But Kris did just witness her implode at work, so she should probably explain. She texts Kris to see if they can meet up.

While she is waiting, Theo comes over. She tried to send him home at first but he sensed her bad mood and insisted on staying and watching her show with her. He goes to sit down next to her. After a few minutes, he reaches over and pulls Marian closer. She resists, "You don't have always to be touching me." Theo looks at her and is shocked. He can't determine if Marian is mad at him or someone else. He decides to ask, "Where is this coming from?" Marian sighs. She feels bad. Theo has been so patient and she has been so grumpy with him. She needs to reassure him that this has nothing to do with him. "I just had a horrible day at work. I got in a fight with Robin. And then Kris came in and took Robin's side. I couldn't believe it. She is supposed to be MY friend." Theo asks, "How did that happen?" Marian gets worked up thinking about it, "Robin got all butthurt that I was existing in the same office as him. He was mad that the noise level went beyond silent. And then I started defending myself and Kris came in because we had raised our voices. Then she sent me home and not Robin." Theo looks confused, "That doesn't sound like Kris at all, she is always professional."

Marian is now feeling very upset again. How the heck is Theo defending her boss? She gets super angry and moves further away from him. She sits up and crosses her arms. Her face grows red with frustration. "Are you doubting me?" Theo leans in and tries to put his hand on her, but Marian bats that away. "I am just trying to figure out what is making my girlfriend upset." Marian rolls her eyes. Of course. It always goes back to this. She puts herself in a corner on the couch. She is all serious when she replies. "Your girlfriend? I don't remember us having that conversation." She looks at him like she is going to murder him. Theo starts stuttering a little, "I just meant. That slipped out. I didn't mean anything by it. I am just trying to figure out why you are upset. I can help if you will let me." Marian is shut down. She is on the defensive about work, Theo, and her friends, she is not going to give anything. She quietly but fiercely responds, "You should probably leave. Nothing good is about to be said between us."

It's Theo's turn to shut down now. He is mad that Marian is once again pushing him away. This back-and-forth with her is so exhausting sometimes. He goes from feeling lucky that he has someone as smart and fun and playful as Marian to not getting to help her out when she upset. She always shuts him out when she is feeling down. It's so confusing. When things are good in her life, their relationship is the best Theo has ever had, but then they get to places like this. He sits back and folds his arms. He says in frustration, "Any mention of a relationship and you cut me out. I am starting to get suspicious." They sit there staring at each other. Marian is not going to give an inch right now. Their relationship is probably going to implode and she could care less right now.

Just at that moment Marian get's a text message on her phone. She pulls it out of her pocket, looks at it and sighs. Just who she wanted to talk to. She gets up and says, "I am going to leave. You should not be here when I get home." And with that she leaves Theo and runs off.

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