Dating in the 21st Century Part 2

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Graham walks out of Marian's office. Marian looks down at her phone excitedly. She has been waiting for this text all day. On Marian's phone screen:

Him (with hearts) : My mom came into town. I am going to have to cancel our plans to get together tonight.

Marian looks super annoyed. This is not at all what she wanted to happen. She takes a deep breathe. He gets so busy, it's frustrating. Even when they have plans to go out, he cancels half the time.

Marian: Bummer. What are you going to do with your mom while she is in town?

Him: I am taking her out to dinner tonight. We are going to Crepes du Jour.

Marian: I love that place.

Marian waits for a response. She is hoping that he will get the hint and invite her to join him with his mom. But after five years, that has never happened. 

Him: I know, it's awesome. We will go sometime.Marian: when did you want to go?Him: I don't know, work is really busy right now. I will take you as soon as I have another open night.Marian puts the phone back down angrily. She has tears coming to her eyes. This is typical behavior for him. She mutters to herself, "freaking Liam." After this she begins to slowly get her stuff ready to go. She had dressed up for their dinner and everything. It's all a waste now. Just as she is about to open the door her phone starts ringing. For a second she gets excited, thinkin he is calling her to tell her that he changed his mind and wants to get together tonight. She answers the phone all excitedly.

Theo is on the phone, "Hey babe!" Marian is disappointed. She immediately drops down a little bit, "Hey Theo."  She sounds sad. Theo continues, "Surprise! I am here to pick you up!" Theo walks into the office and gestures grandly. He walks over to Marian and brings her into a hug. He can tell she is having a bad day by the tone in her voice. Marian asks him, "Why are you here?" Theo smiles again, still holding Marian close, "I know we didn't have plans today, but I really wanted to see you. Do you want to watch shows with me at your place?" Marian looks down at the floor, "I don't know. I am not in the best mood." Theo instantly goes into comforting mode. "Tough day? Was Robin being a jerk again? We can grab some ice cream on the way home to help you feel better."

Marian looks a Theo. She can't believe someone like him likes someone like her. "Theo, you are too good to me." Theo gets this smirk on his face. He likes when Marian talks about him like this. "I know, but I just can't seem to help myself. There is something about you..." And at this he pulls Marian in for a kiss. After the kiss, Theo smiles brightly and offers, "Why don't we grab some Thai food on the way home. I know it's your favorite." Marian also gets a smile on her face. "I can't say no to curry." Theo chuckles a little. "I know, I am irresistible." The man has the confidence of a thousand suns. He grabs Marian's hand and starts to lead her out of the office. The two are almost out of the main building when Marian rests her head on his shoulder. "I love that you can make me feel so much better." Theo looks up and out because he feels like he just won the lottery. Marian is clearly falling for him.

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