Chapter 3

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Leo's eyes shot open when a yell and a thud reverberated throughout the room. Percy sat up in surprise, sword in hand. How did he get that out so fast? He always told us he was a heavy sleeper.

"Why in the everlasting Hades does Percy have a trap made with an armchair?" Two kids, both from the Athena cabin, wandered in, the girl looking angrier than the boy. A broken blue armchair was thrown to the floor beside them.

To his surprise, Leo defended themselves, even though he was only half-awake. "Because of intruders like you. Another question; why in the everlasting Hades are you entering without permission?"

The girl frowned. "Leo? Why are you here?"

Leo rolled his eyes. "Because your cabin leader couldn't be a decent girlfriend and apologize. Where is Annabeth, anyways?" He pulled a wrench out of his belt. "I need to talk to her."

The kid next to her crossed his arms. "That's what we're here for. We thought she might be in here because..." he pointed at Percy and shrugged.

Percy sat up and rolled out of his blankets. "Annabeth is gone?" His face was still ashen, and he swayed just sitting. "What do you mean?"

The girl rolled her eyes and grumbled, "We mean that she is gone. Disappeared. Missing. Do you need me to spell it for you? G, O-"

He shook his head. "No, it's alright. I can't spell, anyways." His eyes focused on something invisible in the distance, something that maybe only he could see.

With a roll of his eyes, he added, "She was last seen running towards the woods with her hands over her face. We've asked the satyrs and dryads; they haven't seen her." They glared at Percy like it was somehow his fault, and Leo glared at them like he was going to take a wrench to their heads at night if they didn't put an armchair above their door.

Percy groaned and got back under the covers. "Wake me up at lunch. I can't do this right now." Leo nodded and curled back up in the armchair again.

The girl rolled her eyes. "You two already slept through both breakfast and lunch. That's why we had to come find you."

"Then don't wake me up," he grumbled as he burrowed further under the bedding. Leo buried his head in his knees and didn't elaborate.

She rolled her eyes. "Ugh, you two. Fine, don't eat, then. I'll be the temporary Athena cabin counselor, so if you need something done urgently and correctly, ask for me. I'm Rhea. See you all later."

Before leaving, she grabbed a throw blanket and tossed it on top of Leo. "Why in Asphodel don't you two just shove a pair of bunks together and sleep on a bed instead of an armchair? It'd be more comfortable, honestly. I'll come back with food if there's news at 9."

Percy remained under those blankets, awake, for a long time. Annabeth had run away. And it was Percy's fault. Again. He should have expected this. Everything was always Percy's fault, anyways.

A quiet noise of wood scratching against concrete had him poking his head out of the covers again. Leo had somehow, with just his tiny, albeit attractive stature and not-very-muscular arms, dragged an entire bunk bed halfway across the room towards Percy's.

"How-? Why?"

Leo looked over innocently. "It's more comfy than that armchair. They really shouldn't use polyester fillings on the cabin seating." Of course, the real reasons were because he could better comfort Percy if his spine wasn't killing him from sleeping like a shrimp. Being able to sleep in a bed next to Percy was just a perk.

Percy made a face and rolled over in bed. "Don't bother. This bed is plenty wide." He closed his eyes and his breathing slowly evened out over the next few minutes.

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